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福吉漢堡排 台北錦州店

Lunch5 ppl$350
9 days ago

I had lunch at a hamburger restaurant that is said to exist in Japan. I went during lunchtime on a weekday, but it seemed that they only accepted reservations except for the spot we entered. The place had a somewhat upscale feel, and the hamburgers were a bit on the expensive side.

However, the quality of service, such as providing water and proper paper aprons, as well as the variety of side dishes like miso soup, rice, and salads that came with the hamburger, were worth the price!

[Taste Impressions]
True to its catchphrase “melting hamburger,” the pork hamburger was very tender with a delicate texture. There were three options for dipping: sauce, wasabi, and salt, and I found the wasabi to be the tastiest. The hamburger had a fibrous texture, which a friend found slightly off-putting and left some behind 😅. The garlic rice at the end could be made by ourselves, allowing us to mix in salt or garlic sauce from the table to our liking. That aspect of entertainment was quite fun as well.

[Overall Evaluation]
I am satisfied with the taste and service, but since it is a bit pricey, I wouldn’t want to go every day. The hamburger was a bit unusual rather than the familiar deliciousness I’m used to, so I think I’d be satisfied having it once or twice.

The atmosphere of a Japanese restaurant.
Spacious store interior.
The text "福吉豬豬漢堡排" translates to "Fortunate Pig Hamburger Patty" in English.
Garlic rice
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Spot Info

福吉漢堡排 台北錦州店
3 reviews
Hamburg steak restaurantNT$410~NT$650
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Lunch5 ppl$490
10 days ago
似乎是一家新開的漢堡排店,經過了幾次看人還蠻多餓的,就決定來吃吃看啦。先說結論:不是很推~ 在入店前我們查了一下評價,雷的人不少,我們入店前還再三考慮了一下,還是想說試試看吧!由於多數評論都說招牌 A5 漢堡排太軟爛,所以我們同行的人幾乎都點了豬肉漢堡排。不過我想說既然是招牌,還是點點看 A5 和牛漢堡排吧。 上桌以後第一個注意到的事情,是白飯實在煮得非常爛。非常的納悶台灣的白飯為什麼都不能好好煮呢?而且這家店還是主打日本越光米,但跟我自己在家裡煮起來白飯差距實在太大,感覺跟便宜熱炒店供應的免費白飯差不多。 然後是漢堡排,雖然外型看起來還不錯,不過按照它說明的切開來以後的確是蠻軟爛的。我把兩塊分分別翻面煎,但煎到一半火就沒了,想說這個火也太短了吧,至少要讓人可以煎完五分鐘吧? 煎了5分鐘左右,再分別切切小塊。每塊都還是很軟爛,味道不錯和牛的香味蠻明顯的牛味,很濃郁。不過口感實在是不敢領教,可以理解給予負評的客人的想法。 聽到隔壁桌的客人也一樣反應這個這麼軟爛,真的行嗎?感覺多數客人都有一樣的疑問,實在不太確定日本本店是不是也是一樣的口感。以目前在台灣這家店用餐的體驗,覺得和牛應該可以有更好的吃法。這樣做成漢堡排,實在有點浪費。
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Dinner2 ppl$750
19 days ago
餐廳座位數不多,大約20人左右,有地下室,但看起來地下室沒有座位開放,很需要提前訂位,我們這次是晚上時間五點多來吃,店家七點好像就打烊了,很早就不接客了 橫隔膜牛排肉香味十足,口感滑嫩 ,鐵板下方有酒精塊加熱很燙,要注意鐵板裡食物,常常翻面不然會直接焦黑,我的洋蔥好幾片背面整個黑掉 A5和牛漢堡排,上桌時應該1-3分熟,照著店家步驟加熱,切塊,結果切成坨坨圓球,和牛真的軟爛,很難定型成塊,吃起來牛肉味很重,口感很軟爛,入口即化,相對較沒口感 品嚐完肉之後留一點肉,再把飯加到鐵板上,自己炒成飯來吃,多一個層次的吃法
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