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2 months ago
Afternoon Tea1 ppl$200

If you didn't know about it through the Internet, it would be difficult to notice that there is such a Japanese retro style restaurant in such an alley.

Pushing open the two-story store door, it felt like breaking into an ordinary home. When I arrived at the dining area, I saw the bar counter, tatami area, and endless old-fashioned music, and then I confirmed that I was in the right room.

The low consumption is a drink, which makes this shop really focus on tea, and the meals and desserts are only supplementary.

First, I ordered iced milk tea (fresh milk): the ice tastes smooth, the tea flavor is not obvious, and the milk flavor complements the background. The store clerk said that the tea used is different from the "Shigure Milk Tea" advertised online, but unfortunately the latter is out of stock today.

🍮 Showa pudding, the Japanese word for Showa pudding on the menu is Showa "hard" pudding, which is indeed similar to the texture of flat tofu, rather than the common soft and tender texture. It goes well with candied wine-flavored cherries, and the caramel water is even better, so drink it up!

However, although this shop has a Japanese retro style, the people coming and going are still local young people. Examples of the music played: Jacky Cheung - Coffee, You Hongming - Meng Po Soup. The meals are also in the style of a restaurant. There is no consistent experience yet, maybe It takes time to develop its strengths.

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3 reviews
Desserts & DrinksNT$200~NT$410
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