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about 1 month ago
Dinner2 ppl$519

The dining area with tatami seating is spacious. Today, I returned from a camp in Taipei to Changhua. I was originally worried that bringing a suitcase, a huqin, and a handbag would block the neighboring table, but the real test today showed that placing items beside the table does not affect the movement of the neighboring table! (If it were a suitcase, I might reconsider.)

The price of the cocktails is within a normal range (generally around $350 to $380 per drink), so friends who frequent restaurants or bars can give this place a try.

Today, I came to dinner with friends, and I ordered the scrambled egg pork cutlet rice bowl ($200). The dish smells like it has been seasoned with some special spices (⚠️ friends who dislike onions should remember to request no onions). I chose the Ancient City cocktail ($350, 8% alcohol) and really liked its sweet and sour flavor 😍. For dessert, my friend and I ordered the tiramisu with a golden feather ($200). The golden feather is made of chocolate, and it seems a bit decorative. I recommend sharing one serving between two people (it helps to ease the guilt).

Ancient City Cocktail
Tatami area seating
Tiramisu with golden feathers.
Scrambled Egg Pork Cutlet Rice Bowl (mixed with two pieces of my friend's fried chicken)
Seating area near the store entrance.
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3 reviews
Desserts & DrinksNT$200~NT$410
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Afternoon Tea2 ppl$200
about 1 month ago
《環境》隱藏在巷弄內的老宅店家,店家販賣的品項有除了飲料和甜點外還有鹹食可以吃,最特別的是還有超豐富的調酒系列,白天下午茶晚上酒吧的概念,不知道要怎麼定義比較好,內用的氛圍給人懷舊日式的風格,座位數不多建議前往前要事先訂位以免撲空~ 《食物》 這次是下午茶時段前往點了兩杯飲品和一個甜點 冰淇淋紅茶💰120 :店家熬煮的紅茶放上一顆可口的冰淇淋,紅茶不苦澀甘甜順口,與冰淇淋的搭配無違和,最特別的是還可以克制熱紅茶,超酷! 抹茶拿鐵💰168 :這次朋友點選的是熱的,但如果要拍照推薦點冰的,可以拍出漸層的感覺,抹茶的味道跟牛奶比例非常融洽,喝起來非常順口~ 硬布丁💰80 :口感跟名字一樣偏紮實,跟統一布丁完全不一樣,沒有Q彈的感覺,但是雞蛋的味道非常濃郁,搭配焦糖一起吃有夠好吃,推薦給螞蟻人的你~ 《停車》 附近有很多收費停車場🅿️💰30/0.5hr,機車可以停放在路邊,還蠻方便的~ 《服務》 店員的態度都非常不錯,會適時的介紹餐點,當需要服務時也會即時的給出意見和反應,給人賓至如歸的感覺~
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Food Scouter
Afternoon Tea1 ppl$200
2 months ago
若非透過網路得知,很難注意到這般巷弄內,有這樣日式復古風格的餐廳。 推開兩層店門,彷彿闖入尋常人家,到了用餐區,看到吧台與榻榻米區,以及不絕的老式音樂,才確認沒走錯間。 低消是一杯飲料,使得這店確實以喫茶為主,餐點甜品僅為輔助。 首先點了冰奶茶(鮮奶):冰順口感,茶味不明顯,奶味襯底蘊。店員說與網路上宣傳的「時雨奶茶」用茶不同,可惜後者今日缺貨。 🍮 昭和布丁,菜單上的日文是昭和「硬」布丁,確實是類似於板豆腐口感,而非常見的軟嫩口感。搭配糖漬酒味櫻桃不錯,焦糖水更是讚,飲盡! 不過這店雖是日系復古風格,人來人往依舊是在地年輕人,播放音樂舉例:張學友-咖啡、游鴻明-孟婆湯,餐點亦有餐酒館風格,尚未有一致性體驗,或許還需時間來沉澱出其強項。
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