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4 months ago
Afternoon Tea2 ppl$55

I called to make a reservation at 11:30 on Saturday and there were only a few flavors left.
I bought one each of chocolate and custard to try out, 2 for 105

The time to eat is about 1 hour later
The powdered sugar on the chocolate flavor has almost melted away
It looks quite oily on the outside (and tastes too)
But I love the filling! It’s a bittersweet chocolate that’s a bit liquid and will burst into pulp.
Not too sweet, it would be a nice little snack if the crust wasn't so oily

The custard taste is quite ordinary compared to chocolate.
There is no milky feeling, and the amount is too large and it will burst out.
The main sweetness comes from the sugar granules above
This one tastes very sweet but the skin is not too oily
I don’t know why there is such a difference

I won’t say that this restaurant is not delicious, so don’t go there.
But as a tourist with a limited stomach capacity
A girl who loves check-in desserts
A husband who is filming a video
I would choose to leave my dessert stomach to other cafes

There are quite a variety of flavors
small store
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Spot Info

3 reviews
Dessert shop NT$60~NT$80
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Afternoon Tea1 ppl$85
3 months ago
🪄多種口味的油炸包餡甜甜圈🍩 / 環境 / 店面小小的外帶店 點餐就是透過甜甜圈櫥櫃上的空間點餐 人多時需要排隊一下 / 餐食 / ○ 提拉米蘇甜甜圈 $60 ○ 原味甜甜圈 $25 外皮是油炸過後的口感,吃起來有嚼勁 原味是會在外層沾上糖粉 提拉米蘇則是內餡擠滿滿的鮮奶油 口感不是馬斯卡邦那種濃郁感 而是有提拉米蘇味的滑順鮮奶油 下次會想點肉桂口味!離開前有個阿伯一次點5個 代表是好吃的吧( * ॑꒳ ॑*)♡ 📢包餡甜甜圈1小時內沒食用記得冰起來
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2 ppl$75
4 months ago
在instagram上看過幾次介紹,但一直沒有存起來,這陣子很想吃甜甜圈,餡擠在裡面的那種,剛好又看到了這家的介紹。有一個週末到基隆吃飯,吃完經過附近時已經接近打烊時間,當天已賣完,只能飲恨離開。 上個週末又特地來了一趟,特地在12點前就到! 買了三種口味,因為附近不好停車,買完就快快離開,沒有拍個別的特寫了。 卡士達 第一口咬下去還沒吃到內餡,不過麵糰本身做的很不錯,甜甜圈是油炸的食物,但不會吃到油耗味,裡頭的卡士達甜度適中,搭配上外層灑的糖粉很剛好,卡士達本身稍微稀了一點,也沒有香草籽,不過以這個價位來說沒有什麼好挑剔的了。 提拉米蘇 這個帶回家後先冰了起來,從冰箱再拿出來後外層的麵體依然鬆軟沒有硬掉,內餡算是比較大人味的口味,咖啡香氣搭配著淡淡的酒香,也很好吃,不過在整體的層次上不會讓我聯想到提拉米蘇。 肉桂 這個放到隔天才吃,外面的糖粉已經有點融化變得濕濕的了,甜甜圈也變得有點硬、有點韌。肉桂的香氣還不錯,不會過於嗆辣。 整體來說都還不錯,下次會想買鹹口味的來試試,還有買當天可以吃完的量就好!
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