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Afternoon Tea1 ppl$140
4 months ago

The summer bean shop that has been recommended by friends has finally been visited by me today after only having the coffee taken out by others before.

The shop is located in an alley near the Xingtian Temple, right at the corner of a triangular window. The store is small and has a wooden decor overall. There is a small window where you can place your order, and you can also sneak a peek inside to see the staff busily brewing coffee.

Their coffee is quite affordable, with a cup costing around 100 NT dollars. They also have hand-brewed coffee options that start from 150 NT dollars, depending on the type of beans. Interestingly, they offer a "stand and drink" option, where you can get a small cup to drink on-site. This is quite suitable for busy office workers looking to get an instant caffeine boost.

Today, I ordered the light roasted iced drip coffee. They prepare their iced drip coffee daily, but in limited quantities (after all, they can't just start dripping it after you order), so I was lucky that they had some today! I also ordered an iced latte.

I found their latte to be very impressive; it was smooth and enjoyable. They use high-quality 100% fresh milk from the "Yogurt" brand, which is very fresh and sweet. It's not the cheap powdered milk or creamers, but 100% fresh milk. A medium cup only costs 95 NT dollars, which I think is a great deal. They even allow you to change the beans for different single-origin coffee on that day; I’ll have to try that next time.

The iced drip coffee didn’t leave much of an impression on me; I only remember that it wasn’t very bitter, which probably means it's quite drinkable. But the latte definitely left a stronger impression on me!

In conclusion, this is a lovely takeout coffee spot that’s perfect for caffeine-addicted office workers to grab a cup to go in the morning or at noon. Drinking on-site is also very comfortable. If I have business nearby in the future, I would be willing to visit again!

The ice drip coffee (light roast) that I ordered.
The store presents a warm wooden tone.
The store is very cute, located in a small corner of an alley near the Xingtian Temple Station.
The menu at their house offers a series of drinks that you can enjoy standing by, served in small cups.
The counter has today's featured pour-over items.
Their family uses high-quality 100% fresh milk from the "Yakult" brand, which is very fresh and sweet, and it's not cheap powdered milk or cream milk, but 100% fresh milk source. A medium cup of latte only costs 95 NT dollars, which I think is a great deal.
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Coffee shopNT$100~NT$120
5 reviews
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about 1 year ago
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