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台北市Coffee shop
25 days ago
Afternoon Tea1 ppl95

【Foodholic Nako @ Taipei】

This takeout coffee shop has been on my to-try list for a long time, and I've seen quite a few reviews about it on Fooday. Today, I finally got to visit since I was near Xingtian Temple!

"Summer Wild Bean" is located near Xingtian Temple Station, about a 2-minute walk from Exit 4. It’s not on the main road, but if you walk inside from Songjiang Road, you’ll see quite a few people standing at the entrance, making it easy to find!

"Summer Wild Bean" primarily serves takeout. They do offer on-site drinking options (some beverages can only be enjoyed on-site and cannot be taken away), but most customers drink standing up, as there are no seating areas inside—only a few chairs placed on the street.

Since there are only two people handling the checkout and making coffee, even for takeout, you'll need to wait for a bit. I spent about 5 minutes waiting in line to order and another 5 minutes waiting for my coffee (if it's brewed fresh, you may have to wait even longer).

It's worth noting that despite the busy pace, the staff are very friendly, with a gentle tone and warm smiles. In the cold weather, it really gives customers a sense of warmth!

The coffee prices are quite reasonable, with a cup costing around 100 NT dollars—much better than many cafés that start at around 150 NT dollars, so it doesn’t hurt the wallet too much.

Hot Latte (Medium) $95
Upon my first sip, I thought, "Hmm.... seems kind of ordinary? Why is the business so good?" But as I continued to drink, I realized the beans are really smooth. Although it's not the type of latte I usually prefer, with a strong milky flavor, it's completely free of bitterness, which explains why so many people enjoy it!

Hot latte (medium cup) $95
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Spot Info

Coffee shopNT$100~NT$120
6 reviews
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Afternoon Tea1 ppl140
5 months ago
一直被朋友推薦的夏野豆行,之前都是喝別人外帶的咖啡,今天終於第一次自己造訪店面。 店家座落在行天宮附近的巷子裡,剛好在三角窗邊間。店面小小的,裝潢整體呈現木質感,小小的窗口可以點餐,從旁邊也可以一窺裡面員工煮咖啡忙碌的樣子。 他們家的咖啡都不貴,一杯差不多100元左右,也有手沖咖啡的品項可以點,150元以上,看不同豆子會有不同價錢。比較特別的是他們還有推出「立飲」的品項,現場直接一小杯給你站著喝完。蠻適合想要即時補充咖啡因的忙碌上班族們~ 今天點的是淺焙冰滴咖啡。他們每日準備的冰滴咖啡皆有限量(畢竟不可能你點了之後他才開始幫你慢慢滴)很幸運的是今天剛好還有冰滴!另外也點了一杯冰拿鐵。 我覺得他們家的拿鐵非常驚艷,喝起來很順口,鮮奶用的是「養樂多」品牌的優質100%鮮乳,很鮮甜很讚,而且不是廉價的奶粉奶或是奶精奶,而是百分百的鮮乳源,一杯中杯只要95元,覺得很划算。他們的各品項咖啡還可以換豆子換成當日單品豆,下次可以試試看。 冰滴咖啡就比較讓我沒有記憶點,只記得沒什麼苦澀味,應該是因為不錯喝啦,但拿鐵真的讓我比較有印象😂 結論是這是一間可愛的香弄外帶咖啡站,很適合咖啡因成癮的上班族早上或中午來外帶一杯回去喝,現場站著喝也是非常舒適的。若我之後有在附近洽公會願意再順道回訪!
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Afternoon Tea1 ppl110
about 1 year ago
在 Fooday 上被推薦好多次,終於去了🤣生意真的很好,路邊很多人在等待,對面也有椅子可以坐。店裡有三個人,其實出咖啡的速度很快! ⚡️只有外帶 ⚡️沒有內用 單品拿鐵很好喝,今天是日曬衣索比亞的豆子,淺焙非常順口!一般拿鐵則是中深焙,苦味較明顯,可以看個人喜好挑選! 而且以咖啡的品質來說,個人認為價格很親民! 下次會想嘗試他們家手沖,跟碎檸檬! 很久沒喝到這麼喜歡的拿鐵了嘿嘿💗🍒☄️
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Afternoon Tea1 ppl110
about 1 year ago
已經在 Fooday 看到兩個推薦了,今天下午很想喝咖啡,就特別走了一段路還造訪。 即使有點飄雨,外面還是有些人邊喝邊聊天。看到他的拿鐵有正常跟濃縮減量,問了一下豆子烘焙度,預設是中深焙,原本打算點濃縮減量。不過店員聽到後說:我們有中淺焙的豆子可以做拿鐵喔!真的貼心~ 拿鐵本身很順、很香,順手帶了一包豆子,幾天後煮完再來回報品質! #淺焙拿鐵
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blacktaikoLV 13Culinary Novice
Nicholes Cakery Cafe
Coffee shopPetaling Jaya
Nice decor and ambience. Food is good as well. Really enjoyed the signature chicken and their pastas are homemade. Suprised it isn't crowded on a weekend, especially since the food is worth the price. Would definitely come back again.
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Tanesha LeeLV 5Fooday Intern
Coffee shop台北市
大鶴是我個人非常喜歡的咖啡廳,氛圍很輕鬆、安靜,兩位主理人很親切,經常會看到吧台區的客人跟她們聊聊近況、分享有趣的事,大多數客人會帶著電腦或書籍在這邊度過下午或晚上的時光,這家店有個特別的規定是不會接待人數超過三位的客人,或許也是讓這邊的氛圍維持下去的原因吧。 店內有很多海報跟書籍、期刊可以反映出主理人的風格,總是可以在角落發現一些有趣的小巧思,有來的朋友也可以仔細觀察,一定可以發現一些什麼( *¯ ꒳¯*) 今天點了磅蛋糕跟熱拿鐵,磅蛋糕真的非常好吃!每過一段時間總會想念起這裡的磅蛋糕,來的話一定要點!另外蛋沙拉吐司也很推薦呦!
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blacktaikoLV 13Culinary Novice
Luna Coffee
Coffee shopShah Alam
Its located on the first floor of D'Bayu Bukit Jelutong, the same shop as woodfire.Parking can be quite full but there are some empty spaces to park. You can only go up by stairs so not suitable for people who have trouble going up them. To order, just choose a table, inform the counter your table no. and place your order. The staff will send out the drinks to you. Foodwise, its more on the cakes and pastries. Customers who are craving a heavier bite, can just order with woodfire in the same shop. The Americano was pretty good. Nice smokey after taste and went down smoothly. Service was fast and pricing was within range (not cheap but not expensive). Was unable to try the cakes and pasties as i am on a keto diet but willl definitely come back for the coffee if i am in the area
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