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Lunch2 ppl$105
4 months ago

The parking situation here is not convenient; you might have to park on the side of the road and walk over.

I came after lunchtime, thinking there would be fewer people, but the dine-in area and takeaway area both had long lines. The dine-in area looks quite large, and there's an upstairs to sit, but there were just too many people, so I ended up choosing takeaway.

In the takeaway area, the rice pudding was already prepared, and after ordering, I didn't have to wait long; there was also chili sauce available on the side.

The rice pudding is very soft, with meat, mushrooms, and egg inside. The garlic flavor of the sauce is quite strong, but it's really good when eaten with the rice pudding.

The fish soup is on the sweeter side, which I don't particularly enjoy, but the taste is still quite good, and the fish balls are delicious.

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Taiwanese restaurantNT$60~NT$110
2 reviews
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Lunch2 ppl$60
6 months ago
麻豆吃個碗粿好了,我也沒吃過:可以 🌟臨停處有個賣彩卷的阿姨,大家可以多多支持一下,人很熱情。 創立於1964年的阿蘭碗粿(麻豆碗粿蘭),距今已經開業將近60年了,位於麻豆交流道下5分鐘就到,還有專屬停車場6:00-22:00開放。 內用空間非常大,一樓、二樓和隔壁(有冷氣)用餐區,碗粿、各式小菜(皮蛋豆腐、台式泡菜、燙韭菜)都是自取放托盤,熱湯可以和店員說,外帶更不用說客人都是直接一袋一袋的購買,購買非常省時方便,很多人都臨停直接帶走。 碗粿 💰35 阿蘭碗粿呈現黃褐色的色澤,最上層肉眼可見的油蔥、豬肉、蝦仁、香菇和蛋,真材實料很有飽足感,一刀切下去的扎實感,吃起來很Q彈不軟爛,難怪大家都說讚,淋上南部人熱愛的蒜味醬油真的大愛,調料區也有原味的醬油可以使用。 皮蛋豆腐 💰35 豬血加腸湯 💰35 腸子非常的乾淨沒有腥味,湯頭濃郁香甜。 心得:真的覺得口感很扎實Q彈,不會軟軟糊糊的,氣味上也非常好。 如果是重視餐點:碗粿好吃 如果是重視環境:老店還算乾淨 重視停車:機車可停門口, 汽車有專用停車場 如果是重視廁所:男女分開廁所 如果是重視排隊:速度很快,幾乎不用排隊 如果重視服務:普通 如果注重CP值:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (單純探討食物跟價格)
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