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LV 31|Bronze Foodie

This time I came to celebrate a friend’s birthday and made a reservation through Google Maps

The soup is priced per head. I highly recommend the signature spicy hotpot. You can refill duck blood and tofu for free. We refilled it 4 times. The duck blood and tofu are both very tasty. The soup is numb but not spicy, and the shabu-shabu slices are just right. In the end, you can take it home after the whole pot is finished, and the clerk will refill it with duck blood and tofu when packing. This alone makes this meal a great value.

Meats and hot pot dishes are all charged a la carte. The quality of the pork slices is good and they are not recombined meat; the portions of vegetables are a bit small.

Rice and sauces are self-service, but drinks are not self-service. At the beginning, there will be a bottle of sugar-free tea on the table, which tastes like peach and is very refreshing. The small lemon smoothie that came with the meal was so delicious that we refilled it 3-4 times. 👍

Overall, it was a good dining experience. Except for the bruises caused by my feet being too long and hitting the corner of the table, it is a good choice for a dinner party!

Comes with the table

We ordered the Yuanyang Hotpot, the spicy soup and the Laohuo soup were both great.
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Spot Info

這一鍋 台北中山北店104台北市中山區中山北路三段31號
Hot potNT$620-NT$1,140
3 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl1400
about 1 month ago
這次在冷冷的冬日選在這一鍋來度過聖誕節這次選擇了鴛鴦鍋 御膳麻辣鍋+老火湯 麻辣鍋麻而不辣 辣度相當適中 老火湯有胡椒的感覺 喝起來相當舒服 整體湯頭體驗相當不錯 不過相當可惜的是想點貴妃荔枝蝦球但是點不到 然後點玉米也是沒有非常可惜 盛味綜合丸-google了一下好像蠻推薦的 整體表現不錯但有一種有點類似像漢堡肉 吃起來有點可惜 滷水三拼-大腸頭蠻好吃的 牛筋就比較中規中矩 牛肚有的黏一起有點難分開 小可惜 這次的肉品選了一個組合的 覺得有點可惜的是菜單上面沒有寫他裡面包含了什麼肉品 問了店員好像也沒有非常了解 但是吃起來是好吃的 對於吃肉就是快樂的我來說是吃的很開心的 油條是google評論送的 中規中矩 山桐奧好吃! 這次用餐體驗算不錯 雖然有些問題店員好像也沒有到非常了解有點可惜外 但吃起來是好吃的 下次會再來
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小羊的食記 JFGT
Dinner8 ppl650
6 months ago
我跟身邊的朋友一直都很喜歡這一鍋麻辣湯底好吃,鴨血跟豆腐都好優秀,每次光吃鴨血就很滿足💖麻辣鍋湯有淡淡的中藥藥膳味,溫潤好喝不會太辣 價位和其他也是鍋底吃到飽的麻辣鍋相比我覺得算比較便宜,肉的品質也很棒👍 神仙牛肉是底部有放乾冰的牛肉片掛起來,視覺效果很不錯,肉質吃起來也很優;豬肉的品質也好,都不是隨便的組合肉,可以閉眼點✅ 他們家火鍋配料的選擇很多,火鍋料、蔬菜都多到會選擇障礙,特別喜歡他們的水蓮配麻辣鍋,香而不辣很過癮 整體是很滿意的 這家有兩樓 位子都是這種半開放式包廂我覺得還不錯很有隱私
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