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Suage 北海道湯咖哩 美麗華店

Lunch7 ppl$550
3 months ago

Here is the translation of the provided text into English:

The soup curry from Hokkaido, whether in summer or winter, is definitely a heartwarming and satisfying choice at Suage located in the beautiful Miramar in Dazhi!

A friend's heartfelt recommendation: "This place really has the best soup curry in Taipei."

After dining here, I truly felt the depth of the soup curry and the care in the selection of ingredients. Even the main meat dish and the side rice were so delicious that they could be eaten one bite after another. In terms of pricing, it is also quite reasonable. Currently, it is known that this is the only branch in Taipei, so I highly recommend that more people come and taste it.

✽ Soup curry ordering process:

(1) Choose your favorite main dish
(2) Choose the soup base (original/coconut shrimp +20)
(3) Choose the spiciness level (recommended 🌶️ mild)

There are also many individual toppings to choose from!


✽ Yuzu Pepper Chicken Soup Curry $390

This uses chicken breast marinated with yuzu pepper. You don’t have to worry about the chicken breast being dry and tough because their chicken breast is super tasty! It’s tender and soft, and the subtle salty aroma of the yuzu pepper is really appetizing.

I paired it with a mild original curry, which is a curry soup that lies between Japanese curry and spiced curry, allowing you to taste a rich blend of spices while also bringing a slight sweetness in the curry sauce that makes it very smooth to drink.

The accompanying vegetables are also delicious and plentiful, including zucchini, pumpkin, eggplant, baby corn, green peppers, okra, and half a boiled egg, providing a colorful variety that goes well with the soup curry.

The rice is served on a separate plate and can be refilled for free, which is fantastic! Plus, there are lemon slices on the side that you can add to your rice, and then pour the curry sauce over it to enjoy—it’s super delicious!

✽ Duck Leg Skewers $110

This is another individually ordered meat skewer. Since duck leg meat is quite rare, I wanted to try it, and the conclusion is: highly recommended.

The surface is very smooth and juicy, with a rich roasted duck leg flavor that is chewier than chicken legs but with a slight bounce in texture. I think it is a hidden gem dish.

✽ German Sausage $45

This is also an a la carte item. The German sausage is not very thick but is crispy and tasty. Personally, I think it’s optional, as their duck leg skewers and chicken are obviously much more impressive!

Yuzu Pepper Chicken Soup Curry $390
🍗 Duck Leg Skewers The surface is very smooth and juicy; when you eat it, it has a rich roasted duck leg flavor, chewier than chicken legs, yet also with a bit of springiness. I think it's a treasure dish! ✨
The white rice is served on a separate plate, and you can get a free refill, which is great! Moreover, there are lemon slices on the side that you can add to the rice, and finally drizzle some curry sauce on top before eating. It's super delicious!
The store is located in B1 of Miramar, Dazhi. I was surprised that there is only this branch in Taipei.
Official menu found on the official website On-site ordering is done by scanning a QR code with a mobile phone. ✽ Soup curry selection process: (1) Choose your preferred main dish (2) Choose the soup base (original/coconut/shrimp +20) (3) Choose the spiciness level
There are also à la carte and children's menu options available.
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Spot Info

Suage 北海道湯咖哩 美麗華店10491台北市中山區敬業三路20號B1
Japanese curryNT$380~NT$470
4 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl$400
10 months ago
曾經去過北海道吃湯咖哩不確定這是不是在北海道厲害的 整體吃起來香味十足,很清爽的咖哩。 不想吃太油又想吃咖喱的話非常適合 點了一個綜合蔬菜湯咖哩 💰310 蝦味的湯底+飯量一半(這超酷的)續飯免費 蔬菜都墩的很軟嫩,南瓜、茄子、香菇、甜椒、節瓜、玉米筍,水煮蛋、滿滿的蔬菜是很棒的選擇 蝦味的湯底非常下飯,雖然口感偏水但不影響配飯的速度呢 舒肥翼板牛湯咖哩 💰 480 加購套餐 💰60 布丁+飲料 幾本的配菜都是一樣的,多了牛肉 吃太飽沒偷吃肉😂,所以不能分享 布丁中規中矩的好吃😋 吃到下面想起來焦糖都在下面欸🙄 辣度可以調整、份量可以調整、也可以選擇不同湯頭,口味上是很清淡清爽的一餐。
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Dinner4 ppl$400
11 months ago
美麗華首選餐廳之一,尤其是冷吱吱的冬天,來碗北海道湯咖哩準沒錯。 這家開很一陣子的湯咖哩也是我的口袋名單,他的角煮是炙燒過的,香味四溢。配上小辣的湯咖哩和啤酒,吃起來真的一口接一口停不下來,非常滿足。 愛吃咖哩的絕對不能錯過的一家店🍛
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Dinner4 ppl$350
12 months ago
更新/雞頸肉消失了)變雞胸肉⋯)可以改成角煮+鴨腿肉串,新出的鴨腿肉串好吃!- 雖然是連鎖店,但覺得品質跟日本一樣,維持得很好! 🔥角煮湯咖哩必點 第一次吃的話推薦角煮湯咖哩,炙燒香氣超濃,但湯咖哩的湯非常清爽,不是很濃稠那種,所以搭配起來很平衡,完全不會覺得太厚重膩口! 不過如果你不太喜歡肥肉,柚子胡椒雞頸肉也超讚,一樣有炙燒香氣,但更清爽一點!! 湯底通常都選原味小辣,許多朋友來吃過以後每次都點角煮🤣🤣 我不是太愛咖哩的人,但很喜歡湯咖哩~跟我一樣本身不是咖哩上癮的人也能試試!
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