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I once went to Hokkaido to eat soup curry
Not sure if this is great in Hokkaido
The overall taste is full of flavor and a very refreshing curry.
It’s perfect if you don’t want to eat too much oil and want to eat curry.

Ordered a mixed vegetable soup curry 💰310
Shrimp flavored soup base + half the rice (this is super cool) and free refills
The vegetables are all very soft and tender. Pumpkins, eggplants, mushrooms, bell peppers, zucchini, corn shoots, boiled eggs, and lots of vegetables are great choices.
The shrimp-flavored soup base goes very well with rice. Although the taste is watery, it does not affect the speed of preparing rice.

Shufei Wing Ban Beef Soup Curry 💰 480
Add-on package 💰60 pudding+drink
The side dishes in several books are the same, with beef added.
I was too full and didn’t eat any meat 😂, so I can’t share it.

The pudding is quite delicious😋
After eating it, the caramel is all down there when I think about it🙄

The spiciness can be adjusted, the portion size can be adjusted, and you can choose different soups. It is a very light and refreshing meal in taste.

The pre-dinner salad was chewed😋
Vegetable soup curry has many types of vegetables and has a rich taste
Half the meal
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Spot Info

Suage 北海道湯咖哩 美麗華店10491台北市中山區敬業三路20號B1
Japanese curryNT$380-NT$470
4 reviews
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Lunch7 ppl550
5 months ago
來自北海道的湯咖哩,無論是夏天還是冬天,這家位於大直美麗華的 Suage 都絕對是讓你暖心暖胃的好選擇! 朋友真心的推薦:「這家真的是台北最好吃的湯咖哩」 實際上來用餐之後,的確有感受到湯咖哩的層次及選料的用心,連主餐肉品跟配飯都是可以一口接一口的美味。價格上來說也不會太貴。目前已知台北只有這一家分店,因此非常推薦讓更多人來品嚐看看。 ✽ 湯咖哩選餐流程: (1)選喜歡的主餐 (2)選擇湯底(原味/椰奶/蝦味+20) (3)選擇辣度(推薦 🌶️ 微辣) 也有許多單點加料可以選擇~ ——— ✽ 柚子胡椒雞肉湯咖哩 $390 採用的是雞胸肉加上柚子胡椒醃製而成,不用擔心雞胸肉會有口感乾柴的問題,因為他們家的雞胸肉超好吃!嫩嫩軟軟的,而且柚子胡椒淡淡的鹹香味非常開胃。 我搭配的是 微辣 的 原味咖哩,是個介於日式咖喱跟香料咖哩中間的咖哩湯汁,可以品嘗到豐富的香料味,但同時咖哩醬汁也帶點甜味,喝起來非常順口。 搭配的蔬菜也很美味豐富,有櫛瓜、南瓜、茄子、玉米筍、青椒、秋葵,及半顆水煮蛋,顏色多元,也跟湯咖哩很搭。 白飯另外用盤子裝,可以免費續飯,非常讚!而且旁邊有附檸檬片,可以斟酌加在飯上,最後再淋上咖哩醬一起吃,超級美味的啦! ✽ 鴨腿肉串 $110 這是另外單點的肉串,因為鴨腿肉蠻少見的,因此想嚐嚐看口感,結論是:非常推薦 非常光滑多汁的表面,吃下去是很濃郁的烤鴨腿味,比雞腿還要更有嚼勁,但又帶點 Q 感,我覺得是寶藏餐點 ✽ 德式香腸 $45 這也是單點項目,德式香腸不大根,但脆脆的很好吃,個人覺得可吃可不吃,他們的鴨腿肉串和雞肉顯然更為驚艷!
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Dinner4 ppl400
about 1 year ago
美麗華首選餐廳之一,尤其是冷吱吱的冬天,來碗北海道湯咖哩準沒錯。 這家開很一陣子的湯咖哩也是我的口袋名單,他的角煮是炙燒過的,香味四溢。配上小辣的湯咖哩和啤酒,吃起來真的一口接一口停不下來,非常滿足。 愛吃咖哩的絕對不能錯過的一家店🍛
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Dinner4 ppl350
about 1 year ago
更新/雞頸肉消失了)變雞胸肉⋯)可以改成角煮+鴨腿肉串,新出的鴨腿肉串好吃!- 雖然是連鎖店,但覺得品質跟日本一樣,維持得很好! 🔥角煮湯咖哩必點 第一次吃的話推薦角煮湯咖哩,炙燒香氣超濃,但湯咖哩的湯非常清爽,不是很濃稠那種,所以搭配起來很平衡,完全不會覺得太厚重膩口! 不過如果你不太喜歡肥肉,柚子胡椒雞頸肉也超讚,一樣有炙燒香氣,但更清爽一點!! 湯底通常都選原味小辣,許多朋友來吃過以後每次都點角煮🤣🤣 我不是太愛咖哩的人,但很喜歡湯咖哩~跟我一樣本身不是咖哩上癮的人也能試試!
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