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LV 23|Fooday Adventurer

らーめん 鴨 to 葱

Dinner2 ppl$1400
about 1 month ago

Review from a "braces person": The restroom is on the second floor, and the cleanliness is a bit lacking.

This place, "Duck to Scallion," is very popular, with good ratings on Google Maps, making it one of the must-try spots in line. We went there on a Thursday evening and waited for about an hour. The process involves ordering first at a kiosk and then getting in line.

We ordered:

  • Duck Ramen: with a soft-boiled egg, duck meat, bamboo shoots, and wontons for 1380 yen
  • Duck Confit Noodles for 1260 yen
  • Drinkable Oyako-don for 420 yen
  • Additional scallions for 150 yen

That day, we could choose one type of scallion from three options. The broth is a standard clear soup, the duck meat is quite tender, but the quality of the soft-boiled egg varies; mine was decent, but I saw some fully cooked eggs in the line. The Oyako-don leans towards a more mainstream flavor.

Overall, it might not suit my taste, plus the long wait time makes it fall short compared to the other two places I’ve tried previously. The staff can speak Chinese, but sometimes they pretend not to understand. If you don’t mind waiting in line, you can give it a try.

The translation of "店門口" to English is "store entrance."
Here's the translation of the provided text into English: "Top to bottom Drinkable Oyakodon 420 yen Duck confit noodles 1260 yen Premium duck ramen: sweet soy sauce egg, duck meat, bamboo shoots, wontons 1380 yen Add green onions 150 yen"
Upper Duck Ramen: Sweetened egg, duck meat, bamboo shoots, wontons ¥1380
The ordering machine lets you order first, then queue.
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Comments (2)

LV 45Foodie Critic
有時假裝聽不懂 😂
LV 23Fooday Adventurer

Spot Info

らーめん 鴨 to 葱〒110-0005 東京都台東区上野6丁目4−15
3 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl$1600
about 2 months ago
🔅實際用餐日期:2024/10/17*照片未經允許請勿轉載&商業 此趟日本,原本整趟只排了這家拉麵,因為一直聽說很好吃也很特別,加上朋友前陣子去吃了兩次,整個期待值爆棚。 排了一個小時,結果..我跟朋友都不愛……可能是個人口味或是太期待,加上吃這家之前已經先吃了別家好吃的雞白湯拉麵,可能有了比較心態。 ▪️上 鴨らーめん:鴨肉拉麵 另有糖心蛋、鴨肉、筍、餛飩 ¥1380 ▪️鴨コンフィ麺:肉片較多的鴨肉拉麵 ¥ 1260 ▪️飲める親子丼 ¥420 兩個人點了兩碗不同組合的麵跟一個親子丼,排隊時可以選當日的蔥三選一。吃下來的感受,湯沒有想的香醇,鴨肉沒有特別好吃,連蔥我都覺得是到處吃得到的味道。然後溏心蛋沒有很入味,排隊看到別人吃的時候看到蛋很熟,自己吃到的有好一點。加點的親子丼也是非常普通…有點吃不懂。 整體來說……應該是個人口味不合,加上排隊時間長期待值太高,相比這趟吃到的其他拉麵真的遜色很多。店內師傅都講中文很奇妙,碗盤的乾淨度普,以上個人口味僅供參考。
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Midnight Snack4 ppl$1260
7 months ago
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