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LV 12Culinary Novice

Salt and Stone

8 months ago
Lunch3 ppl$20

Salt and stone is really amazing and worth the relatively higher prices. It really reminds me of good American restaurants, not adjusting the palette at all to Taiwan (which is often what I am looking for). So flavor wise that means less sweet, more salt, and this was noticeable as I was raving about how amazing the chicken was my friend was talking about how salty it was and needing a coke.

After lunch we got a few things from the bakery to enjoy at home, which were all very tasty. Tomato cheese baguette. Yum.

Would come here again if I'm in the area, which is not often.

Bakery section with delicious breads, both savory and sweet.
Roast half chicken with mushrooms, mashed potatoes, and roast lemon. The chicken was simply amazing, so tender and moist.
Margerita pizza, thin delicious crust, fresh ingredients, fragrant basil. Sorry toddler couldn't wait even one second before offing a slice.
Nice baby utensils, tempted to get it for ourselves
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Salt and Stone
4 reviews
Italian restaurantNT$600~NT$700
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Lunch2 ppl$750
4 months ago
我平常不太愛在百貨裡吃飯,Salt & Stone是少數我會重複回訪的店。這裡座位不算多,空間蠻寬敞的,但是裝潢時沒做好吸音,只要人一多或是講話大聲一點就會超級吵雜! 中午和晚上的菜單有一點差別 泰式牛排沙拉 這份量對兩個人來說還蠻大的,生菜用的是有超級食物之稱的羽衣甘藍,配上紫洋蔥、小番茄、小黃瓜和藜麥,口感非常豐富,牛排煎得酥酥的,搭上泰式醬汁,十分開胃! 麵疙瘩 這道我很愛,如果可以接受茴香的味道,一點要點來試試看!鹹鹹的香腸配上茴香獨特的香氣,再配上一口啤酒,真的很過癮! 烤半雞 烤半雞也是這裡的招牌菜,大概是春雞的大小,皮酥肉嫩,不會過度調味,可以吃到鮮甜的雞肉味,很讚! 核桃派 這是朋友大力推薦的甜點,核桃很香,裹著焦糖醬,口感會比較硬一點,如果牙口不好不推薦點這道。 這裡的食物每一次來都很滿意,但對於常吃小酒館的我來說,這裡換菜單的頻率太低了,已經好幾年了菜單都差不多沒什麼變化。
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Dinner3 ppl$700
7 months ago
萬年愛店 在101的4樓 CP值很高牛排沙拉好好吃! 牛排切成小丁 油香還有鹽巴調味 很有水準 生菜口感很好 整體豐盛 泰式的醬料非常開胃 農夫披薩一級棒 生蛋抹開搭配薄脆餅皮 白醬跟薄切的馬鈴薯 培根 樸實好吃~ 義大利麵也都好吃 口味有層次!!! 但很難訂位 這次是假日17:30現場候位 有幸拿到第二組 大概17:40就入座!!值得一吃的好餐廳
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Lunch3 ppl$500
about 1 year ago
墨西哥雞肉沙拉有各種顏色的番茄,還有特殊調味的各種生菜,起司,雞肉,還有 Taco 餅 義大利香腸比薩 是薄的餅皮,有大蒜片 巧克力蘇芙蕾 香蕉口味的伴醬、花生冰淇淋、現烤現做非常好吃 還點了三杯飲料
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