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Salt and Stone

Dinner3 ppl$700
10 months ago

Wannian Ai Store is on the 4th floor of 101 with a very high CP value.
Steak salad is delicious!
The steak is cut into small cubes and seasoned with oil and salt. It’s very good.
The lettuce tastes very good and is rich overall. The Thai sauce is very appetizing.

Farmer's pizza is great
Spread raw eggs with thin crust, white sauce and thinly sliced ​​potatoes and bacon
Simple and delicious~

The pastas are all delicious too, with layers of flavors! ! !
But it’s difficult to make a reservation. This time it’s a holiday and we’ll have to wait onsite at 17:30.
I was lucky enough to get the second group and got seated around 17:40! ! Good restaurant worth eating

Thai Steak Salad
Sourdough bread with butter
Farmer's Pie Pizza
Spread the egg yolk
Bacon, potatoes, white sauce, and egg yolks are a great combination
Broadband noodles with meat sauce
Cuttlefish noodles
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Spot Info

Salt and Stone台北市信義區市府路45號4樓
5 reviews
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Dinner4 ppl$1100
15 days ago
已回訪多次,食物表現都穩定的好吃餐廳~ 麵包很好吃,酸種麵包邊邊烤的脆脆的,稍微放涼還是脆的,請務必加點不膩口的絲滑奶油,讓整個麵包吃起來更有層次感 每次必點松露布拉塔,起司是稍微有點硬度、有彈性那種,醃漬番茄搭配浸滿醬汁的麵包,很過癮的酸加上起司滑順的口感,非常好吃 寬帶麵的麵條有嚼勁,番茄肉醬很濃厚,也是每次必點,蛤蜊麵調味有大蒜跟茴香的香味,蛤蜊吸滿醬汁很讚,披薩也不錯吃,但個人覺得義大利麵更勝!飲料也調製的沒缺點👍 以前吃過甜點,相較鹹食甜點的表現比較普通,個人覺得可pass 總結食物好吃、服務好,適合聚餐的餐廳!
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Lunch2 ppl$750
7 months ago
我平常不太愛在百貨裡吃飯,Salt & Stone是少數我會重複回訪的店。這裡座位不算多,空間蠻寬敞的,但是裝潢時沒做好吸音,只要人一多或是講話大聲一點就會超級吵雜! 中午和晚上的菜單有一點差別 泰式牛排沙拉 這份量對兩個人來說還蠻大的,生菜用的是有超級食物之稱的羽衣甘藍,配上紫洋蔥、小番茄、小黃瓜和藜麥,口感非常豐富,牛排煎得酥酥的,搭上泰式醬汁,十分開胃! 麵疙瘩 這道我很愛,如果可以接受茴香的味道,一點要點來試試看!鹹鹹的香腸配上茴香獨特的香氣,再配上一口啤酒,真的很過癮! 烤半雞 烤半雞也是這裡的招牌菜,大概是春雞的大小,皮酥肉嫩,不會過度調味,可以吃到鮮甜的雞肉味,很讚! 核桃派 這是朋友大力推薦的甜點,核桃很香,裹著焦糖醬,口感會比較硬一點,如果牙口不好不推薦點這道。 這裡的食物每一次來都很滿意,但對於常吃小酒館的我來說,這裡換菜單的頻率太低了,已經好幾年了菜單都差不多沒什麼變化。
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Lunch3 ppl$20
11 months ago
Salt and stone is really amazing and worth the relatively higher prices. It really reminds me of good American restaurants, not adjusting the palette at all to Taiwan (which is often what I am looking for). So flavor wise that means less sweet, more salt, and this was noticeable as I was raving about how amazing the chicken was my friend was talking about how salty it was and needing a coke. After lunch we got a few things from the bakery to enjoy at home, which were all very tasty. Tomato cheese baguette. Yum. Would come here again if I'm in the area, which is not often.
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