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Popeyes Chicken 台北許昌店

2 months ago
Lunch1 ppl$327

Bright lights, cheerful music, plenty of air conditioning, and a great atmosphere inside.

When I first sat down, it was Don't Joke With A Hungry Man - Quantic American funk with a light and cheerful rhythm. Then there's Thriller - No BS! Brass, which uses a brass band to create more exciting sound effects.

Compared with the huge publicity and long queues when it first opened, it has become normal after a month. You can get a seat when you go inside, scan the order and pay, and the waiter will take the initiative to bring the food to the table ten minutes later. The process is quite smooth.

Strong and thick brioche chicken drumstick (original flavor) set meal. Kenjon's batter-coated crispy French fries should be considered a common American French fries. You can tell by the color and what they taste like after eating them. They are quite satisfactory.
The thick brioche chicken drumstick is packed in a thick aluminum foil bag to prevent scalding. The pickled cucumber is a bit salty, and when you bite it, it has twice as much impact as the fried coating and bread. Overall, it is acceptable.
I also ordered crispy chicken tenders. The chicken was soft and not greasy, but not amazing. There are as many as 14 kinds of sauces on the official US website, but the Taiwan store currently only offers 3 kinds. I chose BBQ barbecue sauce, which has a strong sour base and a thick sauce flavor. Maybe I am not used to this kind of American barbecue sauce.
The paper pattern is very cute and reflects the music atmosphere in the store🎺
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Popeyes Chicken 台北許昌店
5 reviews
Fast foodNT$200~NT$260
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Lunch1 ppl$217
about 2 months ago
📍台北車站 Popeyes 剛開幕的時候真的是大排長龍,聽說至少都要等一個小時以上,還好今日去用餐的時候,內用大約只等了五分鐘左右,翻桌率很高,位子也不少,過了開幕熱潮的現在應該不必等太久。 Popeyes 是美國第二大的炸雞連鎖速食餐廳,以肯瓊風味的炸雞風靡了半個世紀,還有「布里歐雞腿堡」也是店內的人氣商品,官網說著他們是傳統的南方口味,標榜著他們的雞肉是在他們獨家的調味料中醃製 12 個小時以上,在手工裹上他們獨特的酥脆炸粉油炸。 餐點🥘 - 勁厚布里歐雞腿堡套餐(原味)/ 217元: 套餐包含一個勁厚布里歐雞腿堡、肯瓊裹漿脆脆薯條跟一杯快樂水類型的飲料,雞腿堡很厚咬下去很多汁並不會乾柴,雞肉醃製的很入味,是整個雞肉堡主要的風味來源,再配上奶香撲鼻的法式布里歐麵包和麵包內的黃瓜,吃起來著實不錯,建議趁熱吃炸雞麵衣才會是脆的。 副餐薯條我覺得略乾,不是我喜歡的類型,但配上番茄醬吃起來就中規中矩,份量略少。 個人覺得以他的份量來說套餐 217 元略貴了一點,但會想再來試試看其他炸雞品項。
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Lunch2 ppl$217
about 2 months ago
5月底在北車附近開幕的台灣首家popeyes美式炸雞店,現在不需要排隊排那麼久,便來嘗試嘗試。 🍽️環境 整體裝潢還算明亮,色彩豐富,冷氣極強。 裡面桌數很多,桌子的間隔很近,但是有留走道空間。 店內一直播著不小聲美式BGM,甚至有點吵雜的那種,於是大家講話的聲音也是不小,整體來說會有像是在菜市場吃飯的錯覺。 出餐預估10分鐘,但實際上6-7分鐘就出餐了,速度很快。 🍗餐點 ▪️勁厚布里歐雞腿堡套餐 $217 基本套餐包含了一個勁厚布里歐雞腿堡(辣味)、肯瓊裹漿脆脆薯條跟一杯飲料。 通常拿到這種餐點首先吃的是薯條,但這薯條對我來說太乾,不是我愛的類型。 飲料點快樂水就正常表現,鎮店漢堡的部分沒有生菜取而代之的是大片的黃瓜,辣味漢堡的美乃滋醬與原味不同,吃起來不錯但不會太辣。中間炸雞的部分外皮酥脆,內部雞肉鮮嫩多汁,搭配大黃瓜片的解膩與口感變化,著實不錯。不過吃到最後略顯油膩🤣 😄總結來說如果不用排隊的時候可以來吃,若需排很久個人會去吃德克士之類的。
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Dinner2 ppl$134
2 months ago
因為剛開幕,人潮用餐時間真的很多,第一次看到速食店還要等帶位的,希望熱潮過之後正常一點😅店內裝潢非常美式,明亮俐落,位置與位置留有不錯的空間,進出跟入座後都還算舒適,掃碼點餐後可以選擇線上付款或櫃檯結帳也很便利,五星好評送炸布朗尼!(這個布朗尼本身還算好吃,就是炸不炸感覺只差在熱度,我吃不明白炸的意義🤣) 炸雞口味一開始看評論有人覺得偏鹹,我自己吃是覺得還行,調味我還蠻喜歡的,肉應該有先醃漬過,一口咬下也是酥脆多汁,雖然不便宜,還是會考慮回購~ 肯瓊薯條有一種奇特的辛香料味,查一下說是肯瓊香料,是路易斯安那州的特色風味,可能有人喜歡有人就還好,原本看名字還以為是搭配肯瓊辣醬咧xD 比斯吉,雖然店家自己說是招牌,但我真的不會再回購,60元一顆,比斯吉該有的蓬鬆愣是變成了乾乾紮實的口感,比司康還乾真有你的,只能說吃不太出60元的價值,來這還是乖乖吃漢堡炸雞吧🤣
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