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Dinner2 ppl$200
5 months ago

Dongshi Oyster is located near Yansan Night Market and Daqiaotou MRT Station.
I went there for holiday dinner
Business is very good!
You still have to queue up to order, and you have to wait a while before you can get a seat.

1.Oyster Omelette
This fresh oyster is super big.
And there are many pieces in the whole portion👍🏻
It tastes very fresh and not fishy
The doneness of the pan-fried skin is also okay.
Not too soft~

  1. Abalone seafood porridge
    In fact, it’s like white rice soaked in hot soup🤣
    It doesn’t feel like it’s cooked like porridge
    This porridge is rich in ingredients
    There are shrimps, abalone, shredded bamboo shoots, fresh oysters, flower branches, clams and mushrooms, etc.
    Abalone is very small🤣
    But the overall flavor is pretty good

  2. Oyster, shrimp, egg fried rice🍤
    Does it taste like soy sauce?
    On the contrary, it smells like pepper ~ quite special
    Fried rice is the kind with more distinct grains.
    But this is a big dish and only costs $100
    One plate is enough to fill you up, no problem

4.Spineless milkfish belly soup🐟
The whole thing looks very healthy🤣
Milkfish has a lot of meat
There are some thorns
It tastes very nutritious
Then I feel like the soup has sesame oil in it.

  1. Blanch fresh shrimp🦐
    There are 10 shrimps in total
    The shrimps are easy to peel but not too big.
    It tastes too fresh

  2. Stir-fried vegetables🥬
    For green vegetables, you can choose from mainland Chinese cabbage or water spinach.
    Water spinach is a flavor that is often eaten

Overall I think it tastes pretty good
This time the portion size seems to have been ordered for three people🤣

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Street FoodNT$130~NT$170
4 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl$133
about 1 month ago
【Foodholic乃子@台北】 「東時鮮蚵」位於延三夜市裡,距離大橋頭站走路約4分鐘,招牌和店面裝潢主色調是淡藍色,在延三夜市內還算蠻顯眼的 其實我們本來打算吃必比登推介的「施家鮮肉湯圓」,但看到店門口排隊人潮真的有點嚇歪,索性就附近隨便找店來吃,看到「東時鮮蚵」好像生意蠻好的,就決定吃它了 客滿時要先跟店員登記候位,我們前面有三組,但排蠻快的,大概只等了五分鐘;入位點餐後上菜也很快,吃完才結帳,有很多種行動支付可以選,挺方便 酥香蚵仔煎$75 外皮和蛋煎得很酥脆,是我愛的那種蚵仔煎,蚵仔給得蠻多的,而且沒有腥味,給過,醬汁是偏橘色,鹹甜鹹甜,也不錯,整體來說是好吃的,只是價格小貴 蚵仔蝦仁蛋炒飯$100(加大+$10) 我們點了加辣,有看到辣椒但根本不辣;蚵仔和蝦仁給很多,尤其是蝦仁,但其實我比較希望蚵仔再多一點 味道不差,但炒飯實在是炒得太濕了,我還是比較喜歡粒粒分明的炒飯,所以炒飯在我這裡沒有很過關 赤肉湯$80 是大塊大塊的豬肉片,但肉片吃起來是紮實而不柴,筋的部分吃起來軟Q卻不會嚼不斷,肉蠻好吃的;湯放了很多薑,好像還有米酒,喝起來就是可以想像的味道
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Dinner4 ppl$175
3 months ago
✦ #東時鮮蚵仔✦ 台北-大橋頭 ❊回訪意願:🌝🌝🌝🌝🌚 ❊CP值:🌝🌝🌝🌝🌜 今天要來介紹的是位於延三夜市的東時鮮蚵 本年度有重新裝修過 室內風格很可愛 環境整潔明亮 不會有臭臭的海鮮味哦~ 🗣️蝦仁蚵仔煎💲85 🌝🌝🌝🌝🌜 蝦仁蚵仔煎外皮是酥脆的! 蝦仁和蚵仔都很多 內餡軟Q 非常適中 不會過於軟爛 醬汁鹹甜適中 🗣️鮑魚海產粥💲100 🌝🌝🌝🌝🌚 是真的吃到到鮑魚的海產粥~~~ 粥本身是比較偏像湯泡飯 看似小小一碗 其實料很多欸 蝦子兩隻! 蚵仔 花枝 鮑魚等等 100元蠻划算的🤣 🗣️蚵仔蝦仁蛋炒飯💲100 🌝🌝🌝🌝🌚 小孩子才選擇! 我什麼都要加進飯裡😤 第一次看到這個特別的組合 炒飯香氣不錯 🗣️鍋燒意麵💲100 🌝🌝🌝🌝🌜 沙茶湯底的鍋燒麵 富含濃濃海鮮味 配料跟海產粥有點類似(少了鮑魚) 同樣是不可貌相的一碗 飽足感滿滿! 🗣️炒花枝 🌝🌝🌝🌜🌚 吃得出花枝的鮮甜! 醬汁是酸酸甜甜的味道 比較清爽但友人不太習慣這個口味 🗣️蛤仔湯💲70 🌝🌝🌝🌝🌚 蛤仔湯 湯頭非常鮮美🫶 蛤仔也很新鮮 沒有沙喔!
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Lunch1 ppl$100
4 months ago
📍位於延三夜市的東石蚵仔店,改裝過後店面較有主題性,生意不錯。 🍽️環境 去年改裝過後用餐環境乾淨許多,也比較有一致性的設計感,跟原本的傳統台式小吃風格差很多。店內冷氣還不錯涼,整體大約可容納30-40人左右。除了現金之外也接受許多種行動支付,出餐速度蠻快的。 🍚餐點 ▪️鮑魚海產粥 $100 這次點的是鮑魚海產粥,整體來說海鮮料算是不少,也蠻新鮮的。 鮑魚是九孔鮑,還有一些鮮蚵、蝦子蛤蜊與花枝等。湯頭清淡沒有重度調味,呈現海產本身的鮮甜味,可以加點白胡椒提味。 要特別提醒大家的是,粥本身比較像是泡飯的形式,不是那種熬煮的類型,不過還是算蠻好吃的。 😀總結來說是偶爾會來吃一下的店,炒飯與蚵仔煎也都不錯,不過有時候會感覺海鮮份量略有差異,可能與市場價格波動有關。
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