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2 months ago
Lunch1 ppl$110

There is often a queue at the Guzaowei Mi Taimu store near Dihua Street during the noon hour.

Yongle Mi Taimu near Dadaocheng is also one of the famous restaurants in this area. There are many people diners on weekdays, and there is often a queue on holidays. If you want to eat inside, you need to line up in an area without air conditioning, especially next to the cooking area, it will be a bit hot😅 If you want to take out, you can just place an order and go to checkout.
The space inside is quite large, the number of tables is not too small, and the table turnover rate is fast, so you don't have to wait in line for too long. There are some ancient supplies such as coir raincoats as decorations.
If the air conditioner is sitting near the door, it will be turned on and off all the time, so you will feel that it is not cool enough after eating noodles.

▪️Rice meal (soup) large bowl $45
You can choose between soupy and dry rice noodles, and the soup can be refilled indefinitely, so which one you want to order depends on your personal preference. The contents are quite simple, with rice and leeks served with soup and crispy onions. The rice noodles have a moderate elasticity, emphasizing real ingredients, and the soup is comfortable to drink. Generally, if you eat it dry, you can add hot sauce to make it more delicious, but when I eat soup, I just add it.
▪️Combined cutting plate $65
The comprehensive cut plate is a combination plate with some items on the menu cut at will. The internal organs are all processed very cleanly. With the spicy sauce and the different tastes of each part, you will feel that there is still more to enjoy.
For me, I only come here occasionally when I want to eat rice noodles. If the queue is too long, I will give up decisively. I recommend it to people who like to eat rice noodles or have an occasional aftertaste. The disadvantage is that I will get hungry very quickly.

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3 reviews
Street FoodNT$90~NT$110
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Lunch2 ppl$85
3 days ago
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Lunch1 ppl$110
6 months ago
好吃的米苔目,心目中的第一名。 他原本位於永樂市場的對面,好像是永昌街跟明樂街路口那邊,搬家啦。 米苔目不會煮的太軟爛,很Q彈,價錢也不貴,雖然已經漲價過了,之前更便宜。 小菜的部分,我通常都會點一份綜合小菜,什麼都吃得到。
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