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基隆市Hot pot
8 months ago
2 ppl$500

🔅2 servings of beef/Cauliflower/Fish book/Egg sausage/Taro/Oyster/Fish-baked egg/Enoki mushroom/Dried squid/Apple cider
🔅Summer business hours 16:30-23:30
🔅No~~can make a reservation
🔅Food is divided into different prices according to the color of the plate

🌟Remember if you want to eat
Be sure to go early to get your number plate! ! !
This time I got my number plate at about 17:20 on Saturday.
Already queued to No. 53⋯There is always a crowd at the door
Finally we ate at about 19:45
While waiting, you can first go to the night market and go to Keelung Tower.

Stone hotpot is a pile of onions fried with meat, which makes it fragrant.
(After frying all the spices, your body will smell bad after eating it🤣)
Their soup is super sweet and will swirl in your throat
But not the kind that makes people uncomfortable
It's good for my stomach, I drink it hard
(Maybe I just want to see Brother Diaoga adding soup to his arms??🤤
It’s too late to open the Fooday camera! Damn it! )

I think the ingredients I ordered this time are all fresh and delicious.
The taro is fried first, so it will become soft and soft after cooking, which is great.
My mother loves egg sausage, it tastes like egg tofu, slippery😻
The beef is not the kind of rotten meat, it is still very complete after frying.
Anyway, whatever you want is delicious.
Last time I saw many bloggers recommended ordering dried squid.
Got it this time too!
There’s a lot of dried squid!
If you cook the soup for a while, it will have a more seafood flavor. I love it.

Play a price-guessing game with your boyfriend while eating
I guessed 1200 and my boyfriend guessed 1400
In the end it was only 1040🤣
I think it's quite cheap.
But friends say that our values ​​​​are biased, so everyone will refer to it.

Anyway, I really like it and will miss it🥹🥹🥹
I'm willing to wait in line a hundred more times

You have to take the ingredients yourself and you can’t return them. Don't take too much at one time
Stir-fry as soon as it's served The meat will be picked up when it is half-cooked
Throw it in
Egg sausage aka Keelung Macaron It tastes slippery A bit like egg tofu Must try
Fish book! Just... meatballs with a strong celery flavor A lot of portion It's a bit tiring for two people to eat.
The soup with dried squid is greatly upgraded😍 Everyone loves to chew squid
This taro has been fried and has its own aroma Be careful as it will melt after cooking.
Condemn your boyfriend here Why don't you change seats with me if the smoke keeps drifting towards me?^^
Take a photo of your food with the Fooca camera, and write a genuine dining review to earn extra income. Every meal comes with a reward!

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LV 27Fooday Chief
LV 31Bronze Foodie

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Hot potNT$500~NT$500
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跟著阿鈴吃香喝辣LV 22Fooday Adventurer
黑毛屋 微風台北車站店
Hot pot台北市
🔅實際到訪日期:2024/11/01*照片未經允許請勿轉載&商業 朋友吃過這家的系列(黑毛屋本家)覺得很不錯,今年帶我來吃生日餐。位於台北車站微風二樓的餐廳區,有像吧台的區域,也有四人座位區,餐廳不大。以下是當天的餐點。 ▪️鍋物:涮涮鍋 ▪️肉品:上選日本和牛 標準 $1180 (165g) ·朋友用點數升級 大盛(220g) $1370 ·日本新瀉縣產米 標準 ·皆附料理長特製手工牛肉丸 ·季節蔬菜盤·特製醬料 ▪️特選日本和牛 110g 加購價 $488 (活動到2024.11.30) ▪️點數換 日本北海道干貝 2顆 ·原價:$90/顆 ▪️雞蛋雜炊 $80 ▪️桃子梅酒 $150/杯 必須說上選日本和牛上桌真的是有夠漂亮!吃起來油脂豐富肉軟嫩,搭醬料跟白飯都很好吃!另外加點的特選日本和牛,有四大片,油脂超豐富,吃一片就夠了,但也是很不錯。另外也有點日本和牛(忘了大小$)看起來跟吃起來跟上選就差滿多的,但也是好吃的肉。朋友有點壽喜鍋但我沒有吃到。 日本的白飯好好吃,蔬菜盤豐富且都是原食物,牛肉丸也不錯。朋友的點數換了生食級干貝,不小顆,煮半生熟很好吃。醬料種類很多,有柚子醬油、黑芝麻、胡麻醬跟辣醬,沾菜沾肉都好吃。問了店員如果要煮粥要點雞蛋雜炊,最後店員會來煮。梅酒蠻好喝的。 整體來說,雖然說和牛真的無法吃太多,我的這盤一個人無法吃完,但肉的品質真的非常優秀,服務員不多有時會找不到人,但服務都很親切,用點數加點的流程比較麻煩,如果想吃和牛我蠻推的。
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eonwarpedLV 12Culinary Novice
Hot potNew Taipei City
A popular place for hot pot with good value. I find that the basic option is not that much food though, so I recommend adding the extra meat or extra seafood. As with most hot pot places there is a place to make your own dipping sauce, and several drink options. There's also popcorn, ice cream, and marinated pork rice. A few complaints I have though, there aren't many non caffeinated drinks options suitable for kids that are not artificially flavored (e.g. Juice), and the marinated pork is very light on meat, just tastes like soy sauce. But otherwise things are good.
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阿波卡LV 31Bronze Foodie
辛殿麻辣鍋 松江店
Hot pot台北市
台北吃到飽麻辣鍋必推-辛殿麻辣鍋 不是我在蓋的,這家麻辣鍋真的是吃到飽裡面無論餐點還是環境都是一等一的火鍋店。此生必推 🤙 台北流連多年以後吃下來發現還是這家最對味♥️ 辛殿麻辣鍋 松江店 就位於 #捷運松江南京站 的 7 號出口,店內裝潢非常現代簡約,在中價位吃到飽中略有高級感。座位都非常大,一整桌可以擺滿肉盤跟菜盤沒問題。 ——— 𖧷 點餐方式 這家還不錯的就是統一菜單,不會有不同價位有不同組合的麻煩問題。入座時會給你數張劃單紙,基本上以桌為單位,每次劃單完直接給店員就好,吃下來點了4張單,吃的非常過癮~上菜速度也是都蠻快的。 ——— 𖧷 餐點 餐點選項非常之多!從肉品到海鮮直送都有,蔬菜及火鍋料選擇也不少,連布朗尼、奶酪等甜品都可以在劃單上找得到。 我這次用餐有吃到的火鍋單品: * 美國 Prime 無骨牛小排 ✨推薦5分熟 * Prime 級穀飼牛牛舌 ✨推薦7分熟 * 台灣特級黑毛豬 * 紐西蘭羔羊卷 * 紐西蘭羊五花 * 大白蝦 * 蛤蠣(狂點 * 鮮魚切片 * 北海扇貝 * 深海小花枝 * 鮮凍貝鮑 * 澎湖小卷 * 深海小章魚 * 手打蝦仁滑 * 手打花枝滑 肉品的部分很推牛舌,小小片的吃起來不會有很濃重的味道,是清甜感。黑豬肉的品質都非常好,每一片都是均勻的原塊豬瘦肉切片。羊肉片也很好吃,淡淡的羊騷味最讚了!海鮮的啦比較不推貝鮑,其實就是九孔(不是真的大鮑魚),吃起來腥味偏重。蝦子、蛤蠣、扇貝都不錯吃,感受得到鮮味。澎湖小卷真的厲害,肉質嫩而鮮美,雖然都不大隻,但味道很棒,超級推薦。 麻辣湯底很入味,湯頭不會過辣或過ㄆㄚˊ,適合涮肉跟吃鴨血。另一個大蒜鍋則非常適合煮蔬菜跟海鮮,蝦滑加進去大蒜鍋吃起來真的超滿足~ 飲料區很齊全,冷熱飲皆有,而且還有最為人喜愛的玻璃瓶裝可樂✨,果然玻璃瓶裝的可樂還是最好喝啦! 冰沙則是有 HALSEY 巧克力口味的冰沙,獨特的巧克力風味很濃厚,雖然喝起來略甜,但冰冰涼涼的冰沙搭配麻辣鍋也是相當配。 除了點餐的餐點外,現場還有哈根達斯 Häagen-Dazs 冰淇淋(8種口味)以及 Cold Stone 的冰淇淋(8種口味)讓你挖到飽,另外他們合作的北極熊冰棒感覺也很好吃。 ——— 𖧷 服務 服務的部分我給不錯的評價,店員滿禮讓客人走動的空間,上菜時也會看桌面的狀況做菜盤調整。不時也會來換髒盤跟收空盤,整個用餐體驗很舒服不干擾。 ——— 𖧷 總結 總體而言我超級喜歡辛殿麻辣鍋的啦!這家麻辣鍋吃到飽我給5星滿分 💯 不管是喜歡吃麻辣鍋的人,還是想要大啖肉的饕客,我都非常推薦辛殿麻辣鍋,尤其是松江店~我個人更偏好松江店的座位配置(公館店的座位環境我就有點坐不習慣) ——— 𖧷 松江店 價位及用餐時間 平日午餐 | 供應時段 11:30-15:30 成人 $698 +10% 服務費 兒童 $349 +10% 服務費 ( 身高 110cm -140cm ) 幼兒 $100 +10% 服務費 ( 身高 90cm - 110cm ) *午餐時段無供應牛小排 平日晚餐 | 16:00-凌晨1:30 假日全天 | 11:30~凌晨1:30 成人$798 +10% 服務費 兒童$399+10% 服務費( 身高 110cm -140cm ) 幼兒 $100 +10% 服務費 ( 身高 90cm - 110cm ) 全時段用餐時間限定 2 小時。
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