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LV 34|Bronze Foodie

unDer lab

Taipei CityBar
about 1 month ago
Midnight Snack2 ppl$880

This bar has been on my shortlist for quite some time. I had tried to go before, but if you make a reservation the day before, often only the later times are available! It's better to book at least two days in advance to get the time you really want. On this day, I happened to catch the last reservation slot with a friend.

Once inside the bar, you can immediately feel the great ambiance created by the lighting! They have a transparent kitchen and an open cocktail preparation area, so you can see the bartender mixing your drink right in front of you. You can also see the chef in the back preparing the dishes you ordered!

Today, we ordered more than two cocktails, but since this one is quite special, I wanted to highlight it.

❤️Ham Over
The Chinese translation actually means "Give me that slice of ham." It tastes a bit like a Spanish-style cold soup, and the description also mentions that it has a strong food flavor. You can clearly taste the unique blend of tequila and bitter melon, along with the combination of sweet peppers and ham, making it feel like you're enjoying a dish!

❤️Tropical Penicillin
The Chinese translation is "Tropical Painkiller!" I was a bit worried about the black ants inside when I ordered, but fortunately, the black ants were not in the cocktail glass; they were in a jelly served on the side, and they didn't have any strange taste at all! Instead, the flavor of the cocktail was fantastic; you could distinctly taste the aroma of caramel!

This is a bar I highly recommend recently. The drink menu is extensive. Although I didn’t order food, I saw someone next to me particularly come for drinks and noodles, so I believe it's also quite good!

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Spot Info

unDer lab台北市大安區光復南路308巷51號B1
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Dinner1 ppl$2560
9 months ago
又來跟大家介紹另一家隱藏在地下室的Bar-unDer Lab 這次來是週日,所以品嚐的是他們的季節性Set menu, 平常日提供的就是Daily menu, 可以在他們的IG看到菜單。 Set menu 總共有五款調酒,一款無酒精, 搭配六道料理。 整體故事圍繞在人類起源與發現新事物的過程為靈感。 ❣️前面幾道菜比較詳細介紹,後面真的喝有點多,寫的就比較少請見諒❣️ 第一杯開胃酒為西班牙有機白酒(雪莉桶), 前面是水果調,後面尾韻為發酵麵包, 入口清甜有蜜的味道,放在第一杯完全不會對味蕾有任何干擾, 對於不喝酒的人也非常友好。 搭配的第一道餐點-巢 發想為人類居住在洞穴與鳥的征戰, 使用台中的植物-麻薏做成蛋白餅, 吃起來像抹茶,蛋白餅也不死甜, 搭配鹹蛋黃與柳橙蛋黃醬, 與餅乾結合出不同層次,很新奇 然後! 裡面有蟋蟀,我完全沒心裡準備, 被嚇到🙂 Bartender說是對映人類穴居,蟋蟀也是, 所以用來模仿人類, 是蘑菇風味,吃起來脆脆的,沒有怪味道。 但我內心很崩潰🤣 第一杯雞尾酒-火 來自於人類第一次發現火, 就像無花果是第一個被人類養殖的植物。 這個調酒神奇的有兩段的風味, 一開始有醃漬梅子的味道,非常開胃。 搭配前面無花果火腿一起享用, 接下來是第二段的風味轉換, 桌上被端上了燈芯絨,上面插著火腿無花果, 整體像營火烤肉, 點燃的燈芯絨燃燒給予了火腿炙燒的香味, 酒的話就是再倒入桑椹氣泡, 整體轉化成莓果調,密集的氣泡像火碰觸嘴巴, 模擬火燃燒身體的感受。 整體的體驗感非常強烈! 下一道為發酵 是人類知道甜味與果子自然體掉落後, 會發酵的過程。 有懷石料理的感覺, 一開始干貝搭配哈密瓜 再喝哈密瓜sake martini, 很像甜點,非常鮮甜,搭配淡淡海味。 中間是白山葵跟栗子泥是呈現發酵的味道, 帶了一點點山葵的味道中和了栗子的甜味。 最後是鯖魚的壽司,口感很扎實, Mocktail 是康普茶,玄米茶與甘酒搭配, 喝起來像米餅,應該是因為玄米茶的緣故。 再來是跟達利的畫做搭配-記憶的永痕 風乾因為貿易而廣泛, 雞尾酒有羊乳酪、橄欖、洋蔥, 喝起來是蔬菜湯的味道, 旁邊有塊果凍是Bloody marry,番茄芹菜, 上面還加了3隻螞蟻🐜, (還好我那時已經暈了,可以吃😂 烤餅上面畫的時間,剛好對應到當下時間11點! 烤鴨的味道很濃郁,但捲餅餅皮比較厚實, 有點蓋過組合的味道, 我個人比較喜歡每個分開吃的口味。 最後是我最喜歡的雞尾酒-黑化。 像黑蒜發酵的過程要有細菌與溫度參與才會黑化, 酒體搭配酸甘茶,黑化也需要熱, 所以調酒為熱的,基地為tequila, 喜歡喝起來完全沒有酒味, 就是好入口的茶, 但加入黑蒜醬後,酒體會偏厚重, 旁邊有附鹽巴,需要加入鹽味做中和。 但是我還是喜歡什麼都不加的原味。 最後的甜點 是栗子地瓜冰淇淋搭配魚卵, 酒是類可頌與威士忌的搭配, 我本身不喝威士忌,所以沒辦法評價😂 但冰淇淋是極品欸 沒想到這麼奇怪的組合可以那麼絕配, 甜甜搭配魚卵的鹹味, 像海鹽冰淇淋,但可以感受到魚卵爆破的感覺。 整體體驗下來只覺得菜單創作者太天才了, 直接期待下一季的Set menu, 期待不要再有蟲蟲料理了🥲 氛圍也很棒,適合約會😍
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