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LV 14|Culinary Novice

Every time I go to Zhisheng Restaurant, I order the curry-braised beef ribs. The beef ribs are very soft and tender, and the curry goes well with rice. Even if you take just one or two bites of the curry, it won’t be salty. It tastes just right! In addition, the white radish side dish seems to have been replaced by okra now. Some stores have a strong okra taste and a grassy smell, but here they handle it well! Sometimes I add some black tea at half price, which I think is slightly sweet but not greasy.
The signal reception in the basement is not very good, but the wifi is provided, which is very considerate. However, I have to complain a little. The exhaust in the basement can be improved. It feels bad to have a smell accumulated every time I go downstairs🫣

Curry Braised Beef Ribs Set Meal
Curry Braised Beef Ribs
Miso vegetable and herb pork set meal
Miso vegetable herb pork
Side dishes: bonito flakes tofu, cucumber octopus, okra and wild mushrooms
Side dish: sesame and asparagus
Side dish: Fried cabbage
Half price for main meal plus drinks
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Spot Info

芝生食堂 忠孝新生店100台灣台北市中正區忠孝東路二段134巷4號
Japanese set mealNT$360-NT$530
4 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl372
7 months ago
已經回訪好幾次了,平日晚上有時還是需要等一下,生意很好。這次點的是季節限定的嫩筍雞腿鍋,覺得筍子吃起來很鮮甜,雞腿肉也蠻嫩的,味道感覺是天然食物自己的鮮味,沒有過度的調味,很喜歡。 套餐的配菜每次也都覺得很有誠意很多樣,是一間三不五時會想約朋友一起來吃的店。
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Dinner2 ppl710
7 months ago
如果想要吃一些清淡原味的日式定食,第一個想到的應該就是芝生食堂了。在這裡可以吃到煮物、烤物以及燒肉為主食的定食料理,還有其他自家製的甜點和飲料,是一間質樸但很有心意的連鎖店 這次來吃的是晚餐,我和朋友分別點了月見牛五花丼的燒肉定食以及每日鮮採嫩筍雞腿的鍋物定食 牛五花丼非常美味,鋪滿在飯上的不是單薄零碎的牛肉片,而是香氣濃郁、口感厚實的牛五花;拌入生雞蛋搭配白飯更加滑順可口,是很有誠意的一碗丼飯 搭配的日式小菜也都很不錯,從龍鬚菜、涼拌豆腐、金針菇、燙青菜到小黃瓜,每一樣東西各自的味道都十分清爽,能夠在享用主食之餘換換口味,好好地喘口氣 朋友點的鍋物裡有口感真的很嫩的竹筍,只是我覺得可能是高湯味較少,顯得不夠鮮甜;雞腿肉也很嫩,但味道更加清淡,我個人覺得適合真正喜歡品嚐食物清甜原味的人享用
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Dinner2 ppl380
over 1 year ago
內用空間滿多的,一樓和地下室,可以打電話訂位,環境明亮乾淨,體驗不錯,來之前可以打電話訂位,我大約是六點半到,後來的客人都要候位一小時以上。 小菜五樣加一碗味增湯: 菜頭淋上關東煮及芥末混合的醬汁,很特別的味道。 龍鬚菜加上胡麻醬 高麗菜 像布丁的小豆腐 小黃瓜生章魚腳,很開胃 月見牛五花: 店內是用美國牛,味道很棒,碗內的牛肉很大片,整體份量會比飯多,飯變成配角的情況下會吃得很開心 鯖魚: 魚也新鮮好吃,但要小心有一點點刺 抹茶奶酪: 淡淡的抹茶香不會過甜,是飯後的好朋友
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