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LV 11Culinary Novice


8 months ago
Dinner1 ppl$130

Today I ordered lard noodles + braised vegetables, white radish, and pork rinds. After drawing the order, I checked out and a number plate was issued, and then I went to find a seat. When the meal is ready, I will call the number to find someone😆
The lard noodles are so salty and fragrant, just lard, soy sauce and a little green vegetables. After a few bites, my friend taught me to add a spoonful of chili oil and a little vinegar, and it instantly became as delicious as another bowl of noodles! The braised vegetables will be sprinkled with green onions and raw chili peppers, which are all delicious and can be cut into large portions!

Order number
Braised white radish and pork skin
Lard dry noodles (small)
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3 reviews
Street FoodNT$120~NT$180
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Dinner2 ppl$200
about 1 month ago
-這家是在菜市場的巷弄裡 開很久的麵攤🥢 算是我從小吃到大🤣🤣🤣 就算搬離很遠還是想到就會特地過來吃 以前座位只有攤販旁的幾張小鐵桌椅 到這幾年拓展成店面跟分店 也開始越來越多人推薦 / 畫好菜單後老闆會給號碼牌 上菜會叫號看你坐在哪 / 簡單的一碗乾麵配上幾樣小菜 吃飽後就覺得心滿意足 敢吃辣的推薦牛油乾麵 不敢吃辣的推薦豬油乾麵 牛油跟豬油的香拌在Q彈的麵裡 一口接一口超好吃 喜歡麻醬的人可以點招牌麵(牛油+麻醬) 兩種醬料不違和反而還提升了香氣 / 特別推薦紅油抄手 他的紅油超香帶點辣度又不會太刺激 微酸微辣的醬汁搭配小餛飩 也是讓人一吃停不下來 就是這個味道 讓我想到就會特地過來吃 / 吃麵少不了經典的小菜 每一樣都不雷都好吃 像海帶、白蘿蔔都滷的很夠味 淋上店家特製醬油超下酒🤣 特別推薦他的花干~必點👍🏻 滷在熬煮的牛肉湯裡頭 每塊都吸飽濃郁的牛肉湯汁 咬起來卻又不軟爛~推推👍🏻 飯點時間每桌幾乎都客滿 但是等待是值得的 店家營業到凌晨四點 如果宵夜不知道吃什麼的也可以來吃😋
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Lunch4 ppl$120
10 months ago
位在南京菜市場深處,店很大,中午用餐人很多,上菜要等比較久 榨菜肉絲麵:超多豆芽菜,榨菜不死鹹,肉絲普通,味道偏清淡 蛋花貢丸湯:給一顆跟拳頭👊🏻一樣大的貢丸,蛋花也很多,一顆抵一般小吃店四顆,這碗60塊很推! 份量算蠻多,以這個價錢吃的很飽 中午11點營業到凌晨四點,夜生活完宵夜好選擇
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