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Although the name is "Vegetable Pepper Noodles," they are not vegetarian! As soon as you enter the store, the staff will remind you again that this restaurant is not vegetarian. You need to use a QR code to place your order.

I think the impressive part of this restaurant is their pricing. There’s only a $10 difference between a single order and a set meal, so most people choose the set meal, which includes an additional side dish and soup.

The grilled shrimp vegetable pepper noodle set is $190. You can choose between thin noodles and thick noodles; personally, I think the thick noodles are tastier and have a nice chew to them. The shrimp are small, but with the sauce, it all tastes pretty good.

The seared wagyu beef vegetable pepper noodle set is $220. The beef is handled very well, and the entire bowl of noodles is quite delicious.

For the side dishes in the set, I chose a soft-boiled egg and wood ear mushrooms. The soft-boiled egg is cut in half, and the portion of wood ear mushrooms is larger than I expected; they are very generous with it.

The environment inside the restaurant is very clean and bright.

Spicy Shrimp with Noodles $190
Grilled Shabu-Shabu Beef with Sweet Pepper Noodle Set $220
Wood ear mushroom
The translation of "糖心蛋" to English is "soft-boiled egg" or "sweet center egg."
The translation of "湯" to English is "soup" or "hot water" (depending on the context).
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Spot Info

Noodle shop NT$190-NT$220
4 reviews
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Dinner1 ppl220
4 months ago
離雙連捷運站出口很近,步行🚶不用5分鐘的時間,原本以為是素食的,但店員有強調是葷食的,店內空間有限不大,滿乾淨明亮的。 關於餐點 炙燒霜降牛套餐,新臺幣$220元,份量還好,炙燒牛肉好吃,麵條可以選粗細,個人喜歡粗麵條,吃起來比較有嚼勁。 附湯,以為是味增湯但不是,味道偏淡我喝不出來是什麼東西。溫泉蛋外觀,應該是不同的兩顆蛋各一半,蛋黃顏色才不同。
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Dinner2 ppl170
5 months ago
逛街的路上經過繞進來吃一開始不懂為什麼每個麵都是叫素麵 進來問了之後他說因為是速度的素麵😂😂😂 當下很疑惑但還是進來吃了 我點基本的拌麵 選擇細麵 吃起來有點麻醬跟微辣 麵算Q但銷魂麵舖比他Q一點 調味蠻好吃的~ 然後+10元有套餐 很容易讓人想加套餐 湯味道普通 小菜我選小黃瓜 很入味還不錯~ 之後逛街有來這邊可以吃~
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Dinner2 ppl240
12 months ago
位於雙連站附近的精緻麵食,看店名很像是素食,但其實不是,菜單上有介紹「素椒麵源於成都的街頭小吃,素並非素食,而是純粹、方便之意」 週日晚上7:00來用餐,需要稍微排隊(直接依順序排隊,沒有填等候單的機制),大約10分鐘就入座了 店內裝潢精緻,環境乾淨,座位數不多,只有17個位子,且空間較狹窄,店員在送餐和顧客移動時會需要互相閃身 掃桌上的QRcode點餐,付款方式多元,可以線上刷卡,也可以到櫃檯用現金、Linepay、街口等方式支付 強烈推薦點套餐,套餐價格與單點價格才差$10,不過多了小菜和清湯,加套餐的cp值很高 湯看起來平淡無奇,但很濃蠻好喝的;小菜部分,份量很ok,我們選擇清脆拍黃瓜、泡菜蘿蔔條,皆清爽可口,搭配帶點辣的素椒麵一起吃相當解膩,若真要選一個,建議選擇黃瓜,味道比較符合大眾 川味經典素椒麵套餐$150 川味經典素椒麵上面有放肉燥,另外還有應該是炸餛飩皮的東西,以及半顆溏心蛋 麻感滿足夠的,但不會很辣,一直以來喜歡椒麻麵的我對這碗的味道感到很滿意 (如果覺得不夠辣,可以另加麻辣醬) 椒麻雞素椒麵套餐$230 麵的調味和內容物主要和川味經典素椒麵一樣,只差沒有放上肉燥 椒麻雞的炸粉蠻厚的,炸起來的雞腿排皮很酥脆,肉質也還是很嫩,表現有70分 川味紅油抄手$110 總共有7顆,看起來很辣,但其實微辣程度而已,吃起來就是普通不錯吃的餛飩,喜歡吃抄手的人可點 整體而言,價格在雙連中山這一帶還算平價,餐點味道也很不錯,如果和朋友來這一帶逛街時,推薦可以來用餐~
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