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LV 33Bronze Foodie

隱家茶寮 基隆雨都篇

2 months ago
Lunch2 ppl$245

Hello everyone, I am Hua VIP Preserved Egg🐩
Since having FOODAY, I can afford more meals every day👍

Dangdang🤗Any door opens! Back to Keelung special episode today👀
The last time I passed by a small alley near Keelung Temple Entrance
I accidentally discovered many shops in the alley that I wouldn’t normally notice.
After looking around, we decided to visit the place next time~
So~ today we came to one of the "Yinjia Teahouses" in this mysterious alley! This store is very special. There is also "Yudu Pian" after the store name. It seems that even the boss thinks Keelung is a rainy city 😂😂😂

For the rest, please look at the pictures and talk about it!

The above is the irresponsible sharing of Hua VIP Preserved Eggs🐩🤪
Although it is very subjective, it is the most real feeling👀
Friends who like it are welcome to add this store to your pocket list✌🏻
Come and visit next time☺️☺️☺️

👀 A group photo of the meal
👀 Tangyang chicken with green onion and radish paste💰250 yuan I have to praise their white rice, which is really fragrant and delicious. However, the staple food "Tang Yang Chicken" is not fully topped with the radish puree sauce, so some of it tastes dry and tasteless. (It is recommended that the store can add radish puree with dipping sauce instead of pouring the sauce directly on it. I think this will be better🥹). The Tangyang chicken itself tastes a little bit spicy, not very juicy. Because I have eaten juicy Tang Yang Chicken before (if you are not impressed, you can review the previous article "丼子丼"), so the standard is a little higher🤏
👀 Citrus vinegar mushroom tofu💰240 yuan To be honest, this dish actually tastes empty. Maybe it’s because there’s no meat? But it’s actually because today’s preserved eggs 🐩 Dad just didn’t want to eat too much meat, so he ordered this set meal. Although the main dish is very good, there is nothing memorable about it as a whole, so it won’t make people want to eat it again 😟
👀 Check in and like to get free chicken tenders The store is very generous. If you check in and like it, you will get free chicken tenders. The chicken tenders are delicious and have a slight lemon aroma🍋 It tastes refreshing and not greasy. This gift is very sincere👍
👀 Internet beauty photo corner This corner feels so good to take pictures🥰🥰🥰 No matter what you shoot, you can make a blockbuster!
👀 Store dining environment The dining environment is clean and comfortable, and the space is spacious The decoration is also in the style of Internet beauty. I feel like it’s a good place to take pictures📷
👀 Cute lamp 💡 This lamp is super cute😍😍😍
👀 Ordering + checkout area
👀 Cake dessert cabinet 🍮 I heard that their desserts are very good, especially the layer cake🤤 Unfortunately we are too full today, we will try their desserts next time🍮
👀 Self-service area The store does not charge service fees, so you have to help yourself to the tea! They boil water by turning on the faucet next to it🚰It’s really cool!
👀 Large table area This table is very suitable for friends gathering or family gathering👍
👀 Complete cake price list They also sell complete cakes! Friends who like it can consider taking one home directly🥰
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Spot Info

隱家茶寮 基隆雨都篇
2 reviews
Japanese set meal RestaurantNT$240~NT$490
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Kama Lin
Lunch3 ppl$490
2 months ago
非常難得在基隆市區寸土寸金的商區還能安排這麼大的空間以及座位 空間寬敞很舒適,空調宜人 (搞得我去下一攤時,還覺得別的店家空間好壓迫) 一進店家,就可以聞到蛋糕香甜的氣味 走進去時會讓人忍不住「哇」一聲 因為在基隆,這麼空曠的空間真的很少見 很多店家都會用的很擁擠或很雜 點餐到櫃檯後先結帳完就可以回座位等餐囉 當下還直接很豪華的加了所有的套餐 全部都搭配蛋糕甜點 然後帶小朋友的非常推薦點兒童餐$199 菜品超多,還很可愛的捏好飯糰形狀 有菜有肉有可愛的章魚小香腸,小朋友吃得很開心 日式滑蛋豬排🌟🌟🌟🌟/五星滿分 這一道是目前最好吃的一道 豬排q嫩有嚼勁卻不會過硬或濕軟 咬下去的炸香跟肉汁一起侵襲著味蕾 油應該也是被瀝乾過 吃下去不會油膩,還很爽口 調味滿台式的,很配飯 朋友吃完不夠還多要一碗飯來配 時蔬燒肉牛🌟🌟🌟/五星滿分 不好不壞的一道肉片就是一般火鍋肉片的口感 只是很多日料元素(秋葵、藕) 讓人吃起來就是,喔!我在吃日料的感覺 醬汁不太特別,就鹹甜鹹甜 沒有炒出這麼多蔬菜的香 裡面最好吃的大概就是那個燉菜了 蘿蔔跟油豆腐燉的很香很好吃 吸滿湯汁的油豆腐超下飯 蔥花蘿蔔泥唐揚雞🌟/五星滿分 最不推薦的一道雞肉炸起來很粉 看得出來他們有瀝油很加分 但是總體而言 雞肉粉感扣分 這一星是給配菜的分 巧克力蛋糕🌟🌟🌟/五星滿分 不會太甜膩,上面的餅乾碎增加很多口感 千層蛋糕的奶油也是很讚,不會油乎乎的 但是香氣還是不太夠就是了 黑糖培茶蛋糕🌟🌟🌟🌟/五星滿分 有金箔的點綴真的蕭水a辣 看得到側切面,奶油也分佈的很剛好 每一口咬下都很有層次、茶香四溢 而且不會像一般蛋糕店放太久 皮很濕很爛那樣,反而是有點QQ綿綿的 上面的堅果應該有炒過,咬起來很香 這一間位落於愛二路的好去處 分享給正在基隆尋美食的你唷!
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