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桃城豆花 光華路

Midnight Snack2 ppl$38
6 months ago

The old house has a good atmosphere, beautiful lighting, spacious and comfortable space, and the air-conditioning is cool enough. In the hot summer, it is a perfect enjoyment to have a cool environment and desserts. This store has a low discount per person, and everything is of good value. inexpensive!

Tofu pudding plus "soy milk" seems to be the consensus among Chiayi dou pudding shops. In addition to each dish of tofu pudding being dense, ice-cold and smooth, the soy milk is rich and not sweet, and the coolness introduces sweetness. The two go well together.

The best thing about this store is the ingredients!

The barley is very soft! It's extremely cooked and soft, definitely ranking first among the traditional dessert shops I've ever tasted🥇

Peanuts are treated seriously, and they not only have a soft texture, but also have a deep sugary flavor. They are perfect in their own right and also become a perfect accompaniment to bean curd and soy milk.

Since I visited more than once, I also ordered the red bean and taro balls. In addition to the softness of the red beans, the taste of the whole bowl is also spread in the form of red bean soup. The taro balls taste slightly elastic without losing the taste of the filling. It is an ingredient with great attitude. .

It's a pity that there were traces of sugar water and ants on the table when I first visited 🐜
The store clerk seems to be too busy to clean it properly. I hope the old house can be treated well.

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Spot Info

桃城豆花 光華路嘉義市東區光華路65號
Dessert shop NT$40~NT$40
2 reviews
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Afternoon Tea2 ppl$40
3 months ago
🌟無時間限制有插座,低消一品項 「嘉義桃城豆花光華店」,位於嘉義光華路,老醫院改造的新風貌豆花店,空間寬敞,不只內用不限時還有插座。 桃城豆花會給你菜單,並告知坐落哪區位置,之後再來櫃檯點餐,採先付款結帳服務。 嘉義桃城豆花兩間店,一間是在興業東路的桃城豆花創始總店,另間則是桃城豆花二店,老品牌轉型,老宅的建築物和文青的風格,讓嘉義又多了一間甜品的新選擇。 桃城豆花建築空間非常寬敞,用餐區分別為1樓露天、1樓室內空間和2樓寬敞空間,店家走到底有後院的戶外有露天座位區,坐落庭園仰望藍天白雲,看著周圍斑駁的牆面和老舊的窗框,有一種穿越時空的時代感。 一樓室內座位區,冷氣不算強,老舊的建築感和斑駁的牆面也別有一番風味,一樓通往二樓的空間,擺放了一台偉士牌機車,二樓空間更寬敞,保留了一半的空間,僅有幾張座位,光線明亮。 二樓整體來說空曠的讓人驚艷,樸實簡約的古早味,拍起照片來很有復古感,讓人驚訝的還有座位安排的方式,唯一一張的大桌,也是先後次序入座不看人數。 桃城豆花菜單如下:招牌豆花、輕食、早午餐、甜食咖啡、葡萄酒(很特別的品項欸),品項眾多,還不收服務費,這個真的有特別。 豆花💰35 口味紅豆、綠豆、薏仁、花生、珍珠、原味還可以選擇豆漿/糖水當湯底很特別 加一種料5元,加大10元,加薑汁10元,加芋圓20元。 嘉義豆花的特色是豆漿豆花,而桃城豆花的豆漿豆花固定甜度卻不死甜,加薏仁後從承裝的碗到內餡都是白色變成整碗都是白色超有趣😂 糖水湯底不會太死甜,古早味風味;豆漿湯底,豆漿香甜。 心得:桃城豆花的老宅改造的角落真的很好拍照,整體氛圍悠閒,還不限時,放空又多了一個好場所欸!! 重視餐點:豆漿豆花推推,內餡香甜 重視環境:寬敞有冷氣 重視停車:機車可停門口、汽車不好停車 重視廁所:有一間共用寬敞。 重視排隊:假日人潮會眾多,建議先後位 重視服務:還不錯 如果注重CP值:🌟🌟🌟🌟 (單純探討食物跟價格)
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