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LV 12|Culinary Novice

LULUWAY 滷滷味(安東店)

Dinner3 ppl$170
4 months ago

▶ Spicy Duck Blood Tofu Hot Pot $170 ◀
This dish includes cabbage, bok choy, enoki mushrooms, tofu, duck blood, meat slices, and tofu skin. Besides the ingredients, there’s a bowl of noodles, and we opted for knife-cut noodles! The portion is very generous, and the ingredients are abundant! The tofu is incredibly flavorful, surprisingly retaining the scent of soybeans, which is impressive. The duck blood is tender and also very flavorful. There are plenty of meat slices to choose from, including pork, beef, and lamb. The spice level can be adjusted; I chose medium spicy, which is not overly hot on the tongue, and the herbal flavor of the spicy sauce is rich—it’s a comforting kind of spicy.

▶ Special Soy Sauce Braised Pork Leg Noodles $150 ◀
You can actually get pork leg noodles at a braised meat shop! This bowl uses two servings of instant noodles, plus bok choy, cabbage, a soft-boiled egg, and pickled vegetables, along with a whole piece of pork leg, making it a very rich bowl of noodles. The skin of the pork leg is braised until very soft and can be easily bitten through, yet still has a nice gelatinous texture between the skin and lean meat, which isn’t dry despite the long cooking time—it’s very easy to eat! Both the special soy sauce and the pickled vegetables are fantastic.

▶ Pork Intestine Head $60 ◀
It’s rare to find a braised meat shop that cleans the intestines so well! Inside, they are super clean, leaving no excess fat, making them relatively refreshing and not burdensome to eat—those who love intestines will love this! You must order it!

▶ Pig Skin $30 ◀
When eating pig skin, the worst part is seeing the hairs, but their pig skin is also super clean! The entire piece is immensely flavorful and surprisingly chewy, which is incredible!

▶ Pig Ears $40 ◀
The pig ears are braised just right, maintaining a chewy texture while still having a gelatinous quality.

▶ Zucchini $30 ◀
You can actually order zucchini at a braised meat shop, how awesome! Plus, this portion is very generous, definitely fulfilling your vegetable needs.

▶ Lotus Root $30 ◀
Is there anyone who, like me, really loves lotus root? They don’t hold back on the portion here at all, it’s super generous!! Plus, it retains that crunchy texture, which is amazing.

▶ Soybean Skin $30 ◀
The soybean skin is the fried kind—soaked and absorbing the braising sauce, making it delicious!

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Spot Info

LULUWAY 滷滷味(安東店)台北市大安區復興南路一段122巷10-3號
Street FoodNT$200~NT$280
3 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl$250
6 months ago
{台北大安|LULUWAY 滷滷味} 🔰初訪🔰 看到許多人陸陸續續都有來,這次也換我來嚐鮮一下♥️ 是個鬧中取靜的地理位置,或許到冬天我會很喜歡來這個地方,並坐在戶外的位置。 是家可愛小店,與拌拌飯隸屬同一個集團,拌拌飯也是我一個非常喜歡在Uber eats 外送的店家。 -麻辣鴨血豆腐煲 $170 麵體雖選擇了家常麵,但店家推薦的刀削下次想來試試。對不敢吃辣的我來說,選擇小辣已非常適口,湯底香氣十足。 鴨血與豆腐把湯底的汁液吸得飽飽,入口都會滴汁。 -獨門醬滷腿庫麵 $150 腿庫滷得很透,一點筋都沒有,非常軟嫩不柴,搭配公仔麵,非常順口一口接著一口,身為澱粉快樂兒,公仔麵真的會吃完😋 泡菜甜中帶著酸辣,難怪我也喜歡著拌拌飯! 另外加點的大腸頭以及蘿蔔,也都非常入味,靜置一下反而越吃越香。
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Dinner2 ppl$300
6 months ago
個人覺得cp值很高的滷味店原本怕吃不夠就點很多 結果份量很夠哇🥹 𓌉𓇋 麻辣鴨血豆腐煲 $170 (含非基改麻辣豆腐/特調麻辣鴨血/季節時蔬兩種/金針菇/豆皮) [選擇羊肉/家常麵] ·第一次吃不知道辣度 下次應該會想點中大辣 鴨血豆腐都燉煮到蠻入味 非常推薦你們一定要選羊肉!真的!相信我!我跟朋友吃的第一口直接互看 覺得太好吃了😝家常麵比較普通一些 下次可能會點比較有口感的麵條 但整體來說cp值高 𓌉𓇋 獨門醬滷腿褲麵 $150 (含腿褲一份/季節時蔬兩種/手工意麵/溏心蛋/私房泡菜) •我發誓我是超討厭吃豬腳的人 軟爛的肥肉部分會讓我覺得難以下嚥⋯但這個我意外能接受耶 前提是肥肉搭配瘦肉和主食一起吃 突然就懂為什麼有豬腳控🤣整個搭配在一起的醬滷香氣很誘人 瘦肉偏多所以我給過~還有要稱讚老闆煮的麵真的有夠Q彈好吃(最討厭軟爛的麵了)配上旁邊的泡菜是另一種美味 這個價錢真是太佛心 - 單點滷味 𓌉𓇋 大腸頭$60 𓌉𓇋 高麗菜$30 𓌉𓇋 青江菜$30 𓌉𓇋 米血糕$25 𓌉𓇋 花干$30 𖠚ᐝ 桂花烏梅汁 $50 特別推薦花干和大腸頭 都是增添口感的食材 尤其花干裡會吸附超多湯汁 口感很棒!蔬菜在滷汁內過一下就撈起來 不會爛爛的 老闆會問要不要加酸菜 請大力點頭🙂‍↕️
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