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LV 24|Fooday Adventurer


台南市Ice cream shop
about 1 month ago
Afternoon Tea1 pplNT$60

There are a few branches, but they seem to be independently operated. This one is the founder's store, and I just happened to find it more convenient to come here, so I come every time. It seems to have Michelin recommendations, but the point is that I personally like it. The traditional shaved ice shop has a good environment, the glutinous rice balls are chewy and delicious, and the fried dumplings are also good. Some popular items require ordering two portions for an extra charge. It has the traditional good flavors, and you can adjust the sugar and ice, which is great. I have to eat a bowl every time I come.

#Open during the New Year
Closed on New Year's Eve, open at regular hours on other days.

The translated text in English is: "Signboard."
The translation of "門口" to English is "doorway" or "entrance."
The translation of "價格" to English is "price."
Business card
The translation of "外送店名" to English is "Delivery store name."
Shaved ice
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Comments (2)

pe pe
LV 1Fooday Newbie
LV 24Fooday Adventurer

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Ice cream shopNT$60
2 reviews
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Afternoon Tea1 ppl60
9 months ago
:吃冰吧?想吃傳統的那種。 那吃圓仔惠好了 🌟台南八寶冰首選,超愛芋頭 台南的「八寶彬圓仔惠」,該店共有3間,分別是綽號「圓仔惠」呂宸慧創辦的老店金華店,以及給三嫂經營的國華店、安平店,南部有很多店都是同名字不同店,大部分都是分家故事或是二代接受傳承,不過個人覺得傳承的古老味道除非特別創新或是改口味,不然每間店都差不多,不過連鎖加盟的就不一定了。   走進八寶彬圓仔惠會看到招牌上寫的是「彬」而不是「冰」,據說店名是取自於老闆夫婦名字各一個字,加上專賣八寶冰,因此店名便被取為「八寶彬圓仔惠」 八寶彬圓仔惠的配料約二十幾種,包含招牌圓仔、蜜芋頭、粉粿、愛玉、仙草、杏仁、紅豆、綠豆、花豆、蜜蓮子、鳳梨、粉角及粉條等材料,配料均可任選,選超過5種類,每樣多5元。 八寶冰 💰60 每次來必點的芋頭、湯圓、其他配料就看當天心情,不過店家的蜜蓮子很特別,吃了覺得甜甜各人真的不愛蓮子他們家不討厭呢! 蜜芋頭真的超讚,切的很大塊扎實綿密的口感,單吃也不會甜膩,愛吃芋頭的推推,湯圓Q彈不會糊糊,淋在剉冰上的糖水,搭配清冰一起入口,瞬間沁涼暢快,搭吃其實就很消暑。 如果是重視餐點:蜜芋頭真的超讚,湯圓也是,我八寶冰的首選 如果是重視環境:老店,騎樓吃飯會熱 重視停車:機車可停門口,汽車不太好停 如果是重視廁所:無 如果是重視排隊:速度很快,幾乎不用排隊 如果重視服務:普通 如果注重CP值:🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 (單純探討食物跟價格)
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秋桑LV 29Fooday Chief
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🥭宮崎機場名物?芒果冰還是台灣最強🍦 在宮崎機場等待的時間,一直聞到芒果的味道,宮崎是日本高級芒果的產地,平常一顆芒果要幾千塊日圓,所以日本人到了產地一定會吃爆! 但是!芒果冰怎麼可能有人贏得了台灣呢?剛好現在又是冬天,上面放的其實是冷凍芒果解凍的感覺,就一定沒有新鮮的好吃。 霜淇淋本體雖然很濃郁,不過建議台灣人有機會到宮崎的話,在機場可以不用吃這個,多買一些芒果餅乾伴手禮比較值得。
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七咪LV 31Bronze Foodie
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牙套人評論:不知道有沒有廁所 因為外帶 吃完泰美後,肚子還有些空間 走回停車場的途中,看到轉角有這家店,於是決定試試看。這應該是第一次來這家,種類看起來蠻多的 這次外帶了 蒟蒻薏仁湯,價格 $60 吃起來就是很普通的甜品,薏仁煮得還算爛,不會太硬,但料有點少 整體感覺沒什麼特別,應該不會再回訪了
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