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LV 16|Fooday Squad Leader

Green Tea Icecream 🍵 楓 🇯🇵 Okonomiyaki 🧇 Oolong Noodles 🍜 Yogurt Shaved Ice 🍧 Japanese Waffles — this petite restaurant can accommodate circa 25 customers at a time, servers dress in Japanese anime cosplay costumes with colorful hair & socks 🌈 cash payments only* the nearest ATM is near a hospital around the corner, if u need 💰

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Spot Info

楓🇯🇵Okonomiyaki🧇Oolong Noodles🍜Yogurt Shaved Ice🍧JP Waffles16號 Yin Chong St, Mong Kok, Hong Kong
Ice cream shopHK$220
1 review
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