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palette 彩匯自助餐廳

14 days ago
Dinner4 ppl$2200

Brace Face Review: You have to walk outside to the restaurant to find the restroom.

Palette Buffet Restaurant
Overall dining experience is average.

  1. Sashimi section: Diverse selection, with highlights being the shrimp, grilled sushi, and hand rolls.
  2. Freshly made clear soup and noodle section: The beef noodle soup has a light and slightly spicy broth, and the beef tendon is of good quality.
  3. Western section: The grilled steak and large shrimp perform well, with a chewy texture.
  4. Indian cuisine: Creative offerings, perfect for those looking to try something new.
  5. Dessert section: Rich selection and excellent flavors; the freshly baked croissants and waffles are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the ice cream features Mövenpick and Häagen-Dazs, which is a plus.
  6. Extra perks: One person dines for free when four people dine together during their birthday month, plus a complimentary small cake and free parking.


  1. The seating is a bit small and the overall space feels slightly crowded.
  2. Seafood section: The crab legs lack sweetness and overall quality is somewhat lacking.
  3. Beverage section: Limited selection, overall disappointing.

Price reference: Holiday dinner is around 2000 + 10%, with discounts bringing the average cost per person to 1750. Considering the price point, the dessert section and some highlighted items are more attractive, but overall service and attention to detail still have room for improvement.

Sashimi and shrimp with roe.
Beef soup can ask him to not include noodles.
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Spot Info

palette 彩匯自助餐廳104台北市中山區樂群二路55號1樓
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Dinner4 ppl$1700
12 days ago
🔅實際到訪日期:2024/12/15*照片未經允許請勿轉載&商業 一直知道美福的彩匯吧費有名,但卻一直沒有機會來訪,這次剛好朋友是當月壽星,四人同行可享一人免費,當天是週日晚上原價一位$2000+10%,優惠完平均一位是$1700(含服務費)感覺便宜滿多的! 以下是印象吃到覺得特別或還蠻喜歡的品項: 生火腿哈密瓜(很特別) 多種起司搭餅乾 煎干貝、鮭魚生魚片 海鱺魚(印象是他、口感很好) 胭脂蝦(雖然特別但口感味道還好) 甜菜根(看到覺得很特別應該沒有認錯) 現切牛排(蠻嫩也蠻香的,配點醬好吃) 忘了是什麼品種的蟹腳 認真撥了幾隻 吃起來有點解凍感 但還算不會很可怕😂 技術好可以整條拉出不會散掉 生蠔(熟)蠻厲害的 不用沾醬都不會腥,朋友吃了很多 👍必須大推現打綜合果汁、蔬果汁 真的真材實料,不過有點點甜甜不確定到底有沒有另外加糖 熟食種類不算多,但也是有一些我沒吃到沒注意到的部分,炙燒類上次吃到更厲害的的就覺得這家還好,鐵板區品項很多,一開始要排一下但一次要拿拿也不完,有點餓😂 重頭戲是甜點區 一直印象這家就是甜點也是很有名 看了品項蠻多都是外面專賣店會有的東西 常溫、冷藏、到鬆餅 都有 看得眼花撩亂 身為甜點控每個都想吃 雖然不是到每個品項都好吃 但我覺得已經比很多吃到飽品質還要好一些 也有一些比較特別像馬卡龍、國王派的品項 這家整體來說,算是中規中矩吧,價位偏高,品項沒想得多,真的吃到很驚艷好像也不多,一樣價位饗饗跟旭集感覺更值得,但就是試一次也不錯,有生日優惠可以來~以上供參考。
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