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LV 30Bronze Foodie


3 months ago
Dinner5 ppl$550

A friend came to Hualien and invited me to eat skewers.
From the very beginning, I was attracted by the wall of lanterns outside.
As soon as you enter, you will be filled with a strong Japanese flavor. Music, low light, and the photos taken are a bit dark.
After entering, the staff quickly greeted us to sit down and order food, and they also greeted us warmly when ordering.
The skewers at Lao Shi are all delicious, and one of them, Chef Ming’s beef skewers, is very good and rich in layers. I feel that the beef skewers are the most delicious that I tasted that day.
Willow leaf fish is also delicious.
The grilled salmon rice balls are a bit hard, but very delicious when eaten hot.
The ingredients professionally grilled by the chefs at Lao Shi can keep the original flavor of the food, tender and refreshing, and endlessly delicious, leaving people with fragrant teeth, juicy meat, and a long aftertaste!
I chose the lemon cava with a lower alcohol concentration, which tasted quite fragrant.
There are edamame before the meal and fruit after the meal. The fruit is quite exquisite.
The environment in the store also has a Japanese flavor.
It was a pleasant night time eating skewers, drinking wine and chatting.
I'm just stiff. Crossing your legs on a tatami seat for a long time will cause numbness...

Grilled salmon rice balls
beef skewer
Brewed Plum Tomatoes
Clam soup and Dobin steamed rice
Outdoor sign lights at night
Lantern wall outside the wall
Yakitori menu
Lemon Chavore
Store entrance
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3 reviews
Yakiniku restaurantNT$470~NT$700
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Dinner3 ppl$800
20 days ago
總結:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗價格:800$ 💰 狄克森的Fooday 嘴炮食記 花蓮篇更新啦! 這次被花蓮在地朋朋帶來這間 據說是花蓮十分有名氣的日式串燒店~ 當晚與朋友是臨時起意想要去當晚餐吃串燒🤣 果然名不虛傳啊!~ 現場才去候位大概整整等了快一小時哇! 不過好險外面有提供座位區讓現場等候的客人們略有地方等待~ 在經過漫長等待後 心想 到底有多猛 能讓我排一小時呢!! 但!最後結果是!真的是值得的~👍👍👍 食物:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌖 酒飲:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘 氣氛:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗 服務:🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑 價格:🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗 位置:🌕🌕🌕🌑🌑 從門口環境 就已經有一股日式居酒屋的感覺 從內部的燈光擺設 以及吧台和座位區的分佈 裡面的分佈也是分成一般座位以及包廂感的居酒屋 包廂區是需要脫鞋坐入的 要是你柔軟度不好 可能會吃的很吃力唷 畢竟要一直盤腿坐吃東西可不是這麼容易的是吧!🥺 環境算是十分宜人寬敞 包廂桌與桌之間距離很大 完全不用擔心有壓迫感 食物方面真的是讚 除了串燒不管雞豬牛 都十分好吃 而這家的特色就是有所謂的各種剝皮辣椒組合啦! 剝皮辣椒的串燒口感十分棒 不會到非常的辣 但就是讓你有全新感受~ 而剝皮辣椒湯 更是一絕的好喝~味道特殊但又讓人想要一口接一口 所以我們不只串燒多來剝皮辣椒豬 連湯也再來一波的拉~ 各位觀眾 如果來到花蓮 有機會一定要來這邊吃一下的啦!!! 非常適合三五好友 一起來這吃宵夜 喝喝酒 再回到民宿玩一波唷 而且整體消費也是十分的合理 果然出了天龍國 一切都合理多了呢!😮‍💨😮‍💨 🤪🤪狄克森嘴砲🤪🤪 跟著妹子來到花蓮卻苦惱不知道夜生活要做什麼嗎~😧 沒問題 想喝酒 來這邊就對了!!!😍 配上消夜感的兩三串串燒 來個梅酒清酒 是不是馬上就有夜生活的感覺了!!! 再加上整體裝潢十分有感 剝皮辣椒系列又刺激你的味蕾 與妹子在包廂中 唱著歌 吃著串燒喝著酒 好不快活啊~ 來到花蓮當然就是要帶妹子來這種特色名店走走是否~ 幾杯好喝的梅酒清酒下肚 快樂的鑽回旅館 真D讚了吧!😍😍😍😍
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Dinner4 ppl$400
3 months ago
回訪超多次!花蓮帶朋友、家人必來的店🧡個人真的很喜歡剝皮辣椒相關料理~ (剝皮辣椒蛤蜊雞湯、剝皮辣椒串燒都很好吃) 我覺得沒有什麼菜色是雷的,唯一小缺點可能是平常吃的比較清淡的會覺得有些菜比較鹹一點點🤏 推推!好店家 有時候店員還會跟你玩一些小遊戲送食物!
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