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4 months ago
Lunch1 ppl$105

"Qiu Ji Cold Noodles"
📍No. 1, Lane 281, Wuxing Street, Xinyi District, Taipei City
🕰Business hours: 6:00-13:30
⚠️Closed on Mondays

Qiuji Cold Noodles is a cold noodle shop that always has a long queue every time I pass by it. It is located near Beijing Medical University, not far from the Xiangshan Trailhead and Xinyi Business District, and the transportation is very convenient!

The portions of noodles are divided into small, medium and large. After finishing the meal, you want to go to the market next to you to continue eating. So I only ordered one order of Zhajiang Xiaoliang and Gongwan Egg Drop Soup.

I like the shape of the noodle, it tastes QQ and is easy to break. The sesame sauce has a very strong aroma, and the clear sauce underneath is sweeter than salty. I personally like sweet cold noodles, so I love it! Because it has a strong sesame aroma, it doesn't feel too sweet.

The fried sauce is sesame paste with the addition of stir-fried bean paste, which gives it an extra salty taste and makes the taste more layered. Finally, I have eaten a cold noodle with meat in it. This one must be recommended.

Egg drop meat ball soup, my soup today, the egg drop is very beautiful and dense, and you can also see the undercooked egg yolk. It is really super delicious. There is a light peppery flavor in the soup. The store must have added a lot of pepper.

Today's protagonist
Gongwan egg drop soup
This one doesn’t have a very cooked egg yolk
It'll be sold out in a moment.
Internal environment
house number
This photo is too much. Don’t report me for this. There was a guy sitting opposite me. He ordered two large bowls of cold noodles and ate them... a small sumo wrestler. His weight was a bit heavy, but luckily I finished it. I felt sorry for myself if I didn’t post a photo for him🤣
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2 reviews
Noodle shop NT$100~NT$110
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Lunch2 ppl$100
about 1 month ago
結論:中上好吃,墊胃消暑好選擇 2024/08/11(週日)12:30用餐 僅現場排隊/現場座位8成滿/無需等候直接入座 簡單評論一下: 台北吳興街老字號涼麵,有人說是台北前五名,我是覺得有點過譽了,不過,好吃的涼麵該有的樣子他有,像是簡單的菜單、少少的品項,把一招技能練到極致大概就長這樣: 涼麵只有兩種:炸醬涼麵與一般涼麵。 炸醬涼麵會加肉末、豆瓣與麻醬; 一般涼麵的話只有麻醬,份量分成大中小。 湯有貢丸、蛋花、味噌湯,延伸出去的排列組合,三者皆有的就是綜合湯。 這次點了大份的麻醬涼麵,一直覺得好像少個味道,後來跟隔壁拿了辣跟醋來加,發現美味度大幅提升,這個醬必須要加啊!! 涼麵的麵體算是油麵裡面偏Q的那種,雖然平常是看他們在常溫存放,當天室溫也偏高,吃起來也還算是蠻消暑的,不過如果能夠讓麵體的溫度下降一些肯定會更美味。 麻醬的部分沒什麼好挑剔的。芝麻醬濃郁不膩口,不鹹也沒有味精感,中規中矩。 綜合湯優秀!貢丸紮實有嚼勁、豆腐軟Q香,入口用舌根一壓就碎、蛋花一看就知道是整顆蛋下去燙的,用料實在! 小抱怨: 不是每個桌上都有該有的備品(餐具、衛生紙、調味料),很多時候都得麻煩到別人,不過店小桌少,只能忍耐將就。 本篇同步發至google map。
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