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ガスト 札幌狸小路店

1 review
Family restaurant | ¥3,500~¥3,500

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Closed • Reopens 7:00 AM
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LV 27Fooday Chief
6 months ago
Dinner1 ppl$3500

Come and eat at my favorite Japanese family restaurant - ガスト
I stayed in Japan for a short period of time before, and this restaurant kept my stomach warm for the rest of the day. I really like this kind of warm, family-style Japanese and Western style restaurant, especially the all-you-can-drink bar and a lot of cheap meals. , and there is also a cute robot cat that delivers food to the table, which is really soothing😄💞

The Tanukikoji store in Sapporo has a nice decoration, and the quality of the food is as good as other branches. The overall dining experience is very satisfying. And this time I happened to have the seasonal Hakata mentaiko meal and strawberry sundae. The menu design looks very mouth-watering (menu design is also a part of my favorite 😂). The following list is impressive and delicious to me. Meals:

Pan-fried Chicken Leg Steak with Wild Mushrooms
Very delicious chicken leg steak, fried very tender overall, and very fragrant. The green vegetables on the side are also a plus. The wild mushrooms are my favorite beauty mushrooms, and the taste is not too overwhelming.

Baked Spinach
The spinach roasted in a cast iron pan is really unbeatable. The gratin cheese melts on top and the whole thing is super delicious. The spinach tastes salty, and it is very mouth-watering when paired with rice.

Japanese side dishes (rice + raw tuna puree, miso soup)
The rice portion was average. The raw tuna puree on top was added separately. I didn’t think it was as amazing as expected. The miso soup was also average. Overall, it was just a passable side dish.

In fact, you can choose "Western" or "Japanese" as a side dish. For the Western style, there would be a piece of mountain bread and a bowl of thick soup, but since I had always eaten Western style before, I tried the Japanese style this time.
Conclusion: More Western style

Strawberry Sundae🍓
Super delicious strawberry sundae! The top is covered with red strawberries and a stick of brownie. The whole thing is so sweet and satisfying. Under the ice cream are layers of staggered pudding and sponge cake. It’s a little sweet but I like it!
