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LV 32|Bronze Foodie


高雄市Taiwanese restaurant
2 months ago
Dinner4 pplNT$700

This time I went to Fengshan Wen Tea Garden for a meal, and the overall experience was very satisfying! The variety of dishes was diverse, ranging from the signature bucket chicken and salt-grilled tilapia to all kinds of stir-fried dishes and skewers. We happened to encounter their anniversary celebration, and after checking in with six people, the bucket chicken was reduced from the original price of 700 NT dollars to only 200 NT dollars, which is super cost-effective.

The bucket chicken is freshly roasted, and the skin is incredibly crispy, perfectly complemented by the rich chicken fat; it was definitely the highlight of the meal.

The stir-fried dishes were plentiful, suitable for sharing among 4-6 people, and the prices were quite reasonable. Each dish was full of flavor, making it a worthwhile part of the experience.

The skewers were relatively ordinary; the pork had a slightly dry texture, but the grilled intestines were very crispy and worth a try.

Finally, I must recommend their skinless chili chicken soup; the broth is rich and fragrant, with a substantial amount of ingredients, plus you can refill the soup as much as you want. On a chilly day, ordering a pot is warm and satisfying.

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Spot Info

Taiwanese restaurantNT$520-NT$700
2 reviews
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Dinner9 ppl520
6 months ago
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