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靜岡勝政日式豬排 南港環球店

2 months ago
Dinner2 ppl$540

Our basic requirements for fried pork cutlets: the fried coating does not fall off, and this restaurant meets the standard perfectly. The white rice can be replaced with wheat rice or yam paste, shredded cabbage and miso soup, all three can be refilled unlimitedly, and there are three Korean side dishes. : Pickled radish, kimchi, and shredded burdock, very worth it.

The mashed yam seems to have a little sauce and is suitable for mixing into rice. The miso soup and Korean side dishes are both a bit salty. I like to top three bowls of sesame salad dressing with shredded Korean lettuce. The iced Shizuoka brown rice tea is refreshing, the matcha ice cream is delicious, and the cone is crispy, all in line with expectations.

What are the differences in the taste of different types of pork? Ibérico loin pork chop is a high-priced ingredient from Spain. The meat emits a unique aroma when chewed. The soft texture of the meat blends well with the texture of the dough. It performs quite well. Is it worth spending an extra 210 yuan to upgrade? It all depends on the depth of your pocket. After all, the quality of domestically produced pork is quite good. The medium loin pork chop has sweet and juicy meat after biting into it, and the meat is firm. This is the style that your partner will prefer.

Because the waiter forgot to bring hot tea, he reminded us after the meal and gave us a 50% discount at checkout. Since the store’s last order is 45 minutes before closing time, don’t miss it if you want to go.

There are limited-time items that I didn’t order this time.
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Spot Info

靜岡勝政日式豬排 南港環球店
2 reviews
Japanese set meal RestaurantNT$480~NT$540
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2 ppl$484
5 months ago
全台最頂的日式連鎖豬排店就是這家! 環境⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 服務⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 餐點⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 環境 雖然位在美食街附近,不過走進店內還是能擺脫外面的喧鬧,感受日系豬排店的氛圍,桌子彼此間隔很遠,不會受到鄰桌聊天干擾,非常適合以朋友和家庭聚會為目的的用餐。 服務 其實店員態度很好,四顆星只是因為沒有服務鈴,所以有時候店員們忙碌時要叫人比較不方便(人家手上端滿盤子很不好意思叫人停下來),有改進空間所以少給一顆。 餐點 靜岡勝政豬排應該是全台所有日本豬排店中我最愛的一家,主菜部分表現目前點過的非常出色,主要以豬排為主(不過敝人粗舌頭,吃不太出他高級黑豚跟一般豬的差別,往好處想就是能用最划算的錢吃到頂級豬肉的體驗?),選擇非常多,更是不定時會有期間限定的餐點,相信大家都能在靜岡挑到自己鍾愛的菜色。 一入座桌上會有三缽小菜,分別是漬蘿蔔、泡菜跟牛蒡絲,三樣都非常開胃,可惜這三樣是無法續的,且吃且珍惜🥲 點完餐後會送上一大盆高麗菜絲,第一盆通常會出現一些芝麻葉或紫高麗菜等,第二盆開始就全部是高麗菜絲,可以搭配旁邊的胡麻醬跟日式和風醬食用(和風醬先傾斜至90度再按下開關比較不會倒出太多浮油),新鮮好吃,順便騙騙自己吃得很健康! 豬排類會有送上一小碗自己要磨的芝麻,再往裡面淋上豬排沾醬,會多一股芝麻香氣,雖然多吃幾口通常就吃不出來了,不過等候時磨一下聞一下,也是用餐體驗的一種🤣 米飯的話會有麥飯或白飯能選,麥飯會附上山藥泥(山藥泥不可續),我通常選外面少見的麥飯,還能多吃到山藥黏糊糊的口感,蠻不錯的。至於味噌湯沒什麼特別的,真要說我覺得比不二家好喝,有豬肉或野菜的口味能選,續杯時可以更換,點餐時不用太糾結。 靜岡的套餐我覺得蠻划算的,+80元多飲料和甜點可以吃,甜點中的抹茶冰淇淋特別好,吃得下的話推薦套餐可以加~ 特殊活動 每月29日為靜岡勝政豬排的肉之日,點用的小份里肌豬排或腰內豬排套餐可以免費加量,時間剛好的話不妨就選擇最單純的豬排品嚐。
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