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LV 13|Culinary Novice


Afternoon Tea4 ppl$290
7 months ago

In the hot Kaohsiung afternoon, I wanted to find a place to rest and drink coffee. Since it happened to be nearby, I visited this coffee shop. There are not really many seats in the store, but it should be able to accommodate 15-20 people.

There was only one boss making coffee that day and one employee delivering the food, so the delivery speed was a bit slow, but you can feel the boss’s attentiveness during the process. Before each cup of hand brewing, he always brought ground coffee with him. Fan walked over to the customer and asked questions first, then gave a brief explanation before starting to brew.

Desserts will also be served at the same time as the coffee. The overall experience is very comfortable. On that day, I ordered a cup of "Colombia Suria Estate Pink Bourbon White Jade Grape Nectar Treatment" lightly roasted beans. The grape aroma is rich. I also like to bring home an extra bag of beans.

For the cake, I ordered the "Sea Salt Chiffon". I rarely eat cakes, so it's hard to describe, but basically it's delicious. I also tried a friend who ordered the "Cinnamon Roll". In comparison, I prefer this one, baked. The crispy exterior and soft interior are very delicious.

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Spot Info

1 review
Coffee shopNT$290~NT$290
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