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3 months ago
Afternoon Tea1 ppl$70

The Thousand Layer Egg Tarts that have become very popular recently
A11 store will bake twice a day
They are 11:30 and 18:00 respectively

The first time I went was at 19:30 on holiday
There were only about five groups of people queuing at the front of the line.
The limited pistachio flavor has been sold out
Napoleon Mille Feu only has chocolate flavor left

The second time I went was at 11:45 on weekdays.
There were quite a lot of people waiting to get it, and most of them arrived around 11:00.
It took about 45 minutes to wait in line to get the egg tarts.
All flavors are also available!

Limit of 12 pieces per person (maximum 6 pieces of Melaleuca)
Pistachio flavor is limited to 2 pieces per person
There are five flavors in total

I bought three flavors, personal preference
Melaleuca Napoleon > Melaleuca Happy Go > Melaleuca Chocolate

. Thousand Layer Napoleon $65
Thousand-layer skin is so crispy
It tastes very much like a croissant. I like it very much.
The filling of the egg tart is rather solid and has a strong milky aroma.
The overall taste is very good

. Thousand Layer Happy Go Egg Tart $100
The skin of the Thousand Layers is black but the texture is still crispy.
A11 limited flavor, slightly higher price
There is a faint pistachio aroma but not very noticeable
The overall sweetness is low, you can try it out

. Thousand-layer chocolate tart $75
Ant-Man 🐜 should love this flavor
There is a big piece of chocolate sauce in the middle
Personally I think it tastes the same as Nutella
Overall a bit too sweet, needs a glass of Americano

The price is quite reasonable
But I personally think the waiting time is too long
Because the egg tarts are already baked and just need to be packed into boxes
There is also a purchase limit per person
It shouldn't take so long
Will repurchase if I only need to wait 5-10 minutes

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3 reviews
Dessert shop NT$70~NT$70
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Lunch1 ppl$70
about 1 month ago
IG近期超火的千層可頌蛋塔,朝聖 🌟千層冰過口感超級好,麻煩給我這樣吃餒!! 有一陣子千層蛋塔洗版各大社群,終於讓我吃到了!!,真的不錯。 介紹 「COMEME」發跡於台中,以販售造型棉花糖起家,現在熱銷主打千層可頌蛋塔,有別於傳統蛋塔單層的外皮,千層可頌蛋塔多層次的酥皮相當酥脆,提升了口感的豐富度。 今天來信義A11的櫃位,排隊大概半小時,半小時在我想吃還可以接受的時間範圍內,現場購買有兩個時間段,上午場11:30、下午場18:00,一人限購12顆(含6顆千層),信義這間店有阿華田口味還有限定開心果口味 不過購買一般蛋塔要買6顆一盒不能單買(討厭!!),所以我買了阿華田和巧克力千層,原味售完。 開吃 巧克力千層蛋塔 💰75 因為沒有當下吃所以後來吃口感比較濕了,就挺普通但不會覺得皮太厚。 阿華田可頌蛋塔 💰80 阿華田吃的課顆粒感,很濃的阿華田味道,冰冷凍過後,口感直接回到千層口感,真的超酥超響,麻煩給我冰起來吃餒!! 心得:原本覺得很普,冷凍過後的口感真的超酥超讚欸,給我這樣吃喔!!不過也因為我沒有買到當下吃,一開始還覺得要排隊我乾脆吃肯G好了😛(多不愛排隊拉!!) 如果是重視餐點:冰過超好吃阿華田 如果是重視環境:百貨有冷氣,乾淨 重視停車:百貨裡面停車場 如果是重視廁所:百貨廁所 如果是重視排隊:我排隊30分鐘,排到逃生口餒(還好好吃餒!!) 如果重視服務:普通 如果注重CP值:🌟🌟🌟 (單純探討食物跟價格)
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Afternoon Tea4 ppl$68
4 months ago
最近IG爆紅的美食,也是在香港熱賣的甜點「千層拿破崙蛋塔」,現在台灣也能免飛香港就能吃到了!其中一間來自於台中的店「COMEME」也在台北展店。而COMEME的起源要從一個小男孩的夢想說起,就是把夢中的甜點仙境帶到現實世界。COMEME的誕生始於製作棉花糖相關的夢幻甜點,包括獨特造型的巨大棉花糖、捲捲棉花冰等。隨著時間流逝,這位小男孩已長大成人父,為了實現自己孩子對蛋塔的渴望,他遊歷各地,不斷嘗試調整配方,最終做出了孩子口中的「最好吃的蛋塔」。於2024年,COMEME推出蛋塔系列,將這份美味分享給更多熱愛甜點的顧客… ✅原味可頌蛋塔:吃起來外皮酥脆,與一般傳統蛋塔不同的是,奶香味較濃郁、純香。不過負擔感較大,吃多了容易膩。 ✅千層拿破崙蛋塔:基本上內餡和原味可頌蛋塔一樣,不過差在外層的酥皮,更為酥脆和層次度更豐富。 ✅千層巧克力蛋塔:即是在裏面多加了榛果巧克力醬,熱熱吃的時候還會流心。不過這款的甜度又再更高了一點。但巧克力控會很愛~ ✅千層雲朵半熟乳酪蛋塔:是添加乳酪內餡,吃起來是四款當中最不膩的,可能是乳酪的原因,整體吃完的膩感不會太重,而且會越吃越好吃。 ———————————— 很多人都說吃這家不如去吃肯德基蛋撻就好。以如此的價格再加上需要排隊的因素,確實肯德基蛋撻CP值較高。好吃歸好吃,但還是會建議大家等熱潮過後再去吃就好喔! *出爐時間為每日早上11:30、下午6:00,僅有這2個梯次,每日限量1000顆
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