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Lunch1 ppl$70
4 months ago

Recently, the super popular mille-feuille croissant egg tart on IG has become a pilgrimage item.

🌟 The layered ice texture is incredibly good; please let me eat it like this!

For a while, mille-feuille egg tarts flooded various social media, and I finally got to try them!! They are really good.

"COMEME" originated in Taichung, starting with shaped cotton candy, and now their hot-selling item is the mille-feuille croissant egg tart. Unlike traditional single-layer egg tarts, the multi-layered flaky pastry of the mille-feuille croissant egg tart is exceptionally crispy, enhancing the richness of the flavor.

Today, I visited the booth at Xinyi A11 and waited in line for about half an hour, which is an acceptable waiting time for me. There are two purchasing time slots: morning at 11:30 and afternoon at 18:00, with a limit of 12 tarts per person (including 6 mille-feuille). This Xinyi store has a Horlicks flavor and also a limited pistachio flavor. However, for the regular egg tarts, you have to buy them in a box of 6; you can't buy them individually (annoying!!). So I bought the Horlicks and chocolate mille-feuille, but the plain flavor was sold out.

Let’s eat:
Chocolate mille-feuille egg tart 💰75
Since I didn’t eat it on the spot, it had a wetter texture later on. It was pretty ordinary, but I didn’t find the crust too thick.

Horlicks croissant egg tart 💰80
The Horlicks has a nice grainy texture, with a very strong Horlicks flavor. After being frozen, it really returned to that mille-feuille texture, super crispy and crunchy. Please let me eat it frozen!!

Thoughts: I initially thought it was average, but after freezing, the texture became remarkably crispy and wonderful. I wish I could eat it like that!! However, since I didn’t get to eat it right away, I initially thought I should just go to KFC instead 😛 (I really dislike waiting in line!!)

If you value food: Frozen Horlicks is super delicious.

If you value the environment: The department store has air conditioning and is clean.

If you value parking: There’s a parking lot inside the department store.

If you value restrooms: There are restrooms in the department store.

If you value waiting in line: I waited in line for 30 minutes, and ended up at an emergency exit (thank goodness it was good!!).

If you value service: Average.

If you value cost performance: 🌟🌟🌟
(Simply discussing food and price)

The translation of "阿華田" to English is "Horlicks."
The translation of "一般蛋塔" to English is "ordinary egg tart."
Happy over 💰100
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Spot Info

COMEME A11店台北市信義區松壽路11號B2
Dessert shop NT$70~NT$70
3 reviews
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NALA eat
Afternoon Tea1 ppl$70
6 months ago
最近超級夯的千層蛋撻A11店一天會出爐兩次 分別是11:30以及18:00 第一次去是假日的19:30 隊伍前面大概只有五組人在排 限定的開心果口味已經售完 拿破崙千層也只剩下巧克力口味 第二次去是平日的11:45 就有蠻多人在等拿 多數人11:00左右就到了 等拿到蛋撻大概排了45分鐘左右 所有口味都也還有! 每個人限購12顆(千層至多6顆) 開心果口味一人限購2顆 總共有五種口味 買了三個口味 個人喜好 千層拿破崙 > 千層開心Go > 千層巧克力 。千層拿破崙 $65 千層外皮真的酥脆到不行 很像可頌的口感 我很喜歡 蛋撻內餡偏固態 奶香蠻濃的 整體口味很不錯 。千層開心Go蛋撻 $100 千層外皮是黑色的不過口感一樣酥脆 A11限定口味 價格稍高 有淡淡開心果香氣 但沒有到很明顯 整體甜度較低 可以嚐鮮 。千層巧克力蛋撻 $75 螞蟻人🐜應該會愛這個口味 中間有很大一塊的巧克力醬 個人覺得味道跟Nutella 一樣 整體有點太甜 需要配一杯美式 價格還算合理 但個人覺得等待時間過長 因為蛋撻皆已出爐只需裝盒 每人也有購買的數量上限 應該不至於需要等這麼久 如果只需要等5-10分鐘 會回購
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Afternoon Tea4 ppl$68
7 months ago
最近IG爆紅的美食,也是在香港熱賣的甜點「千層拿破崙蛋塔」,現在台灣也能免飛香港就能吃到了!其中一間來自於台中的店「COMEME」也在台北展店。而COMEME的起源要從一個小男孩的夢想說起,就是把夢中的甜點仙境帶到現實世界。COMEME的誕生始於製作棉花糖相關的夢幻甜點,包括獨特造型的巨大棉花糖、捲捲棉花冰等。隨著時間流逝,這位小男孩已長大成人父,為了實現自己孩子對蛋塔的渴望,他遊歷各地,不斷嘗試調整配方,最終做出了孩子口中的「最好吃的蛋塔」。於2024年,COMEME推出蛋塔系列,將這份美味分享給更多熱愛甜點的顧客… ✅原味可頌蛋塔:吃起來外皮酥脆,與一般傳統蛋塔不同的是,奶香味較濃郁、純香。不過負擔感較大,吃多了容易膩。 ✅千層拿破崙蛋塔:基本上內餡和原味可頌蛋塔一樣,不過差在外層的酥皮,更為酥脆和層次度更豐富。 ✅千層巧克力蛋塔:即是在裏面多加了榛果巧克力醬,熱熱吃的時候還會流心。不過這款的甜度又再更高了一點。但巧克力控會很愛~ ✅千層雲朵半熟乳酪蛋塔:是添加乳酪內餡,吃起來是四款當中最不膩的,可能是乳酪的原因,整體吃完的膩感不會太重,而且會越吃越好吃。 ———————————— 很多人都說吃這家不如去吃肯德基蛋撻就好。以如此的價格再加上需要排隊的因素,確實肯德基蛋撻CP值較高。好吃歸好吃,但還是會建議大家等熱潮過後再去吃就好喔! *出爐時間為每日早上11:30、下午6:00,僅有這2個梯次,每日限量1000顆
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