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LV 21|Fooday Adventurer


台北市Noodle shop
7 months ago
Lunch1 ppl$150

It is also a restaurant that requires queuing during lunch time, and many female office workers come to dine. If you have not come here during dinner time, I am not sure.
This time I ordered the old Taiwanese special pepper and sesame noodles combined with classic side dishes. The noodles themselves have a peppery aroma, and actually taste slightly spicy. Overall, the taste is not very strong. It comes with a piece of barbecued pork and three kinds of side dishes. The noodles are quite chewy, but now the small bowl has been swollen. At $100, the portion is actually a little on the small side. I recommend that boys order a larger bowl for $10 to feel fuller.
The classic side dish combo is $50, including dried tofu, kelp and braised eggs, and it tastes pretty good with sauces.
Half of the interior decoration objects are mainly nostalgic window frames, there is also a hanging ornament made of old banknotes, and the other side is a hanging scroll related to ingredients and food, which has its own style. However, the space in the store is small, so it is recommended not to have too many people dining together. The maximum is a table for four people. If there are too many people, they will need to sit separately.
Overall, it is a Taiwanese noodle shop that you can try if you don't have to queue for a long time.

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LV 31Bronze Foodie

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Noodle shop NT$120~NT$140
4 reviews
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Food Scouter
Lunch1 ppl$140
6 months ago
路過看到,店名與設計風格都吸睛的麵店,平日午餐熱門時段,內用爆滿,外帶需於店外等候。 店面內用空間不大,儘管還是努力塞了四人桌 × 3 + 二人桌 × 2 + 靠牆位 × 7 = 23 位。 店外張貼雜誌介紹,原為義式餐廳的團隊,轉做台式麵食,可以感受到確實是以當代年輕風格,再詮釋傳統麵食的樣貌。 點了老滷牛肉乾拌麵,牛腱肉片吃起來符合預期,雖無特別記憶點,但數量不少。 寬麵表現非常棒!麵體彈牙好吃,拌入的醬料搭配相當適宜,非常喜歡。 豆棗在此作為傳統配料,不過這樣的甜味,在整體偏醬鹹的口味中,顯得...很微妙。 店內的視覺設計與播放音樂都很酷,僅收現金,且無發票。
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Lunch2 ppl$125
7 months ago
內用空間不大,因此有帶小孩或推車可能不太適合內用。中午吃飯時間人很多,內用的話可能需要等候,建議避開尖峰用餐時間來。 這次點了老台客椒麻拌麵,麵體是有嚼勁的粗麵,椒麻醬調味上口感層次豐富,麻中帶辣,但辣度恰到好處,我想不愛吃辣的人也都能接受,拌麵吃起來還微微帶點甜味,如果覺得不夠辣,餐桌旁邊也有辣油可以自行添加。 小菜組合有海帶豆乾還有蛋,加上特製的醬料,在辣中帶點麻與酸,是非常特別的小菜口味。
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Lunch1 ppl$95
11 months ago
這家是專門賣各種麵食的店,一直很喜歡吃乾拌麵的我當然不能放過這家店,除了肉燥麵、麻醬麵、牛肉麵、炸醬麵等等之外,招牌是椒麻拌麵,另外還有很多滷味選項 店內位子不多,中午12:05抵達,已經坐了九成滿,客人看起來大部分是附近的上班族中午來用餐,座位間蠻擠的;另外也有蠻多人在等外帶的 老台客特製椒麻拌麵$95 麵上面有一塊豬叉燒 、半顆茶葉蛋、些許深綠色青菜+豆芽菜+豆棗+肉燥,整體口味偏重,吃到後面蠻鹹的,會想要喝水 菜單上這款麵食有畫辣椒記號,但我個人覺得吃起來完全不會辣,桌上有辣油,可以另外加,辣油加一點點辣感馬上就出來了,喜歡吃辣的人可以試試 綠色青菜吃起來有點微苦,我個人不太喜歡;豬叉燒雖然只有一塊,但蠻厚的,且不會很硬,還不錯;豆棗我覺得很加分,純粹因為我喜歡吃豆棗,且因為它甜甜的,似乎可中和麵的鹹味 寬麵Q彈有嚼勁,但麵的份量不多,我是正常食量的女生,但覺得一碗麵吃完只有七分飽,可以加10元變成大碗,或是另外點湯或滷味 整體而言,我覺得椒麻拌麵還不錯吃,但椒麻感比較不夠,不過價格在北車一帶還算可以接受,下次想嘗試看看其他的麵食~
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