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LV 14|Culinary Novice


台北市Cosplay Cafe
about 2 months ago
Dinner5 ppl$320

I went to a maid café for the first time in Taiwan! 🫶
The location is in a slightly local area rather than a tourist spot, so the surrounding atmosphere was calm, allowing me to enjoy it at a leisurely pace!

【Atmosphere of the shop】
When I entered the café, the maids welcomed me in Japanese by saying, "Welcome back!" and I felt that this is a culture that Japan can proudly present to the world, haha.

The interior was spacious and had a calm ambiance, perhaps because it was designed with an old castle theme, as white is a rare color compared to typical cafes.

【Food evaluation】
The menu wasn’t just filled with cute items like those in Japanese maid cafés; there were also substantial dishes. I had duck pasta with balsamic vinegar, and I really liked the sweet flavor of the seasoning! This dish also came with a drink, so I was able to enjoy a satisfying meal. 🍽️

【Service evaluation】
When I first entered, I only saw three maids, which gave me a slightly lonely impression. However, they made the effort to visit each table and engage in conversation, so I was able to chat properly! Also, although I couldn't take photos, there was a stage dance performed by the maids, and I got to see them dance to songs from Japanese idol groups! (I think what you can see varies depending on the day.)

【Overall evaluation】
I have been to a maid café in Japan once before, but I've found that this one in Taiwan allowed me to enjoy it in a more relaxed manner compared to those in Japan! ✨

Balsamic Vinegar Duck Noodles
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LV 36Foodie Commander

Spot Info

Cosplay CafeNT$400~NT$510
6 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl$640
29 days ago
蕾娜希塔女僕咖啡廳位於科技大樓站附近的和平東路二段的巷弄中,從捷運科技大樓站步行大概五分鐘就可以抵達。 今天享用的是店狗泡芙、慢燉啤酒豬肉、肉醬千層麵、松露薯條、賞酒,合計1280元。 店狗泡芙: 不可以吃 😁 愛撒嬌,會表演,就像是一顆美味的香草奶油泡芙。 摸起來很舒服,速度很快不好拍 💖 慢燉啤酒豬肉: 中間發生了各種意外 (拿錯醬料瓶之類的),看得出來店內很忙。 蛋包飯上面由女僕畫了隻有點像螃蟹的貓咪。 細嫩的蛋皮口感相當讚,啤酒豬肉也非常軟嫩。 肉醬千層麵: 千層麵一塊,相當厚實,起司跟肉醬非常的有飽足感,吃起來的感覺相當的細膩。 應該是有馬鈴薯泥,讓滑順的口感有更上一層的感受。 松露薯條: 松露醬超級濃郁! 原本以為是常見的薯條灑上松露粉的做法,結果是松露醬真的是驚喜。 酥脆熱騰騰的薯條配上松露醬,真的太爽啦。 賞酒: 酸酸甜甜的微糖口感調酒,酒氣不會很重。 可以跟女僕許願,也就是描述喜歡的酒款或偏好,再交給內場自由發揮。 因為是賞酒的關係,請選定一位女僕陪你邊聊邊喝。 女僕們都相當健談。 整體而言,女僕咖啡廳的價位就是個硬傷,但食物的水準物有所值,聽說不久後會復刻之前推出過的威靈頓牛排,讓我還蠻有興趣的。 有趣的是,雖然是女僕咖啡,但是今天剛好碰上了執事日,所以女僕們都裝扮成了執事的模樣,女僕咖啡我還跑過幾間,但執事可是從來沒去過,也算是有趣的新體驗了。 推薦給大家!
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Dinner5 ppl$392
30 days ago
很特別的體驗,一進門就有女僕服務員熱情的招呼,對於沒體驗過這類餐廳得人來說是個很特別的開始,餐點部分調味還不錯。 餐廳特別的地方是可以花錢與女僕拍照互動,或是可以購買女僕的表演服務,如果當天剛好有人購買,就可以免費看表演,很賺! 不過因為拍照是一個收費項目,店內不能對女僕隨意拍照,剩下的就讓大家自己去體驗啦!
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Dinner2 ppl$350
about 1 month ago
今天白飯警察看到 Fooday 的特別活動,想說從來沒來過女僕餐廳,剛好這家在我出沒的地點附近,就決定來試試看啦! 在入場的時候還是有點小緊張,畢竟從來沒來過類似的店,想說會不會有點尷尬。不過一進門其實很快的就融入了當場的氛圍,而且女僕也都蠻好聊的,緊張感很快就沒了。 我點了一個蛋包飯,蛋包飯可以讓女僕在上面畫一個小圖案。我指定了獅薩,是由里依畫的,神韻有到,真的畫得很厲害!說到飯,白飯警察當然要好好看一下白飯煮的如何。這個蛋包飯的飯煮的挺剛好的!我有特別拍一張,大家可以看看。 白飯指數:🍚🍚🍚🍚 整個晚餐吃下來還蠻輕鬆愉快的,而且餐點味道基本無雷,是個很不錯的體驗!推薦大家沒試過的可以去吃吃看!
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