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Signature Cinnamon Sugar Snail Roll: This roll should only be found in heaven, and it’s only NT$108! This is my favorite cinnamon roll I have ever tasted. Not only does it taste far better than others, but the price is also very affordable. After all, many delicious desserts are priced at almost 200 yuan.

This is a large coffee shop with many employees who perform their duties. The overall efficiency of ordering or serving meals is very good. Even the plate recycling area is cleaned very quickly. It is worth giving to restaurant managers and employees. Like us👍🏼

The cinnamon rolls are topped with crispy icing, which can have a crispy or soft texture on the inside, or they are dipped in butter icing, which is mixed with cinnamon flavor and has a great flavor. The dark roasted coarse tea in the upper right corner has the taste of thick oolong tea. Although it is for internal use, it is served in a take-out paper cup. Maybe it is for office workers to take away directly?
The picnic basket 🧺The multigrain bread is delicious and not dry, and a little butter makes it more moist; the tender eggs are as delicious as shown in the photo. My favorite is this large potato pancake, a crispy and refreshing starch bomb! The sugar-roasted grapefruit is a perfect combination. The pulp has been separated in advance, and the caramel is broken before mixing. The yogurt has obvious acidity. I don't like sourness, so I had to mix it with wheat and finish it quickly.
The space in this store is already quite large, but it is still often full and requires a wait for a table (later a lottery machine was installed). Maybe because it serves brunch and dinner, it is very suitable for the needs of nearby business people? The disadvantage is that the space is noisy and not suitable for work.
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Coppii Lumii living coffee 冉冉生活 經貿門市
2 reviews
Coffee shopNT$340~NT$370
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Brunch2 ppl$337
23 days ago
我要特別強調一下,以下的照片,沒有濾鏡!🔆採光、照明都很好,直接拍,就是真實呈現! 完全是濾鏡菜鳥我的福音環境啊!😆 (拍完照片自己都激動了,覺得實在該講一下) - - - 回歸正題,這間真是我看著它成長的一間店🥹 想當年它在這個(我覺得)地理位置不是很好的地方,然後這樣一步步變成網美級早午餐/咖啡店,還拓展市場開了連鎖,部落格推薦文一大堆,明明不是店主人,但卻看得我也很欣慰🤣 還記得第一次來的時候,店裡空曠到座位任選, 現在已經變成排隊候位,還要靠機器抽號碼牌的程度,真的是大幅度成長的一間店!📈 ‼️但是!最猛的是!‼️ 💰價位沒有成長!價位沒有成長!沒有漲! 近幾年物價一直漲,雖然菜單有逐步調整與更換,但價位一直都在相同水平上! 我跟親友兩人點了兩份早午餐、一盆沙拉碗, 總共也才$674,一人$500有找! 當然,我們點的是比較經濟實惠的選項,如果選一些排餐或主食,可能會需要$300多,但認真來說,大部分的品項$300內就有! 🤔這麼划算份量會不會少? 我們兩人約莫中午11點完食早午餐,中間壓馬路壓了兩個小時,最後直接等19點的晚餐👌 胃口大的可能會餓,但我們一般胃,感覺它就跟正常餐廳份量沒差太多。 然後然後要提一點☝🏻 因為這次是來吃早午餐,所以沒有點甜點, 但它的甜點每樣都看起來很好吃🥹 自己吃過鬆餅跟肉桂捲,記憶中的味道是很美味的,這次只能用眼睛吃但還是很滿足🥹 (甜點照片我就自己留著了,Fooday只有20張照片的扣打🥹) 剛剛提過價位很猛這件事之外, 還要再提一件很猛的事😎 👉即便人多成這樣,但這間店的定位本身就是提供久坐、辦公、朋友聚餐聊天。 ‼️所以 有WiFi 、有插座、沒有時限!‼️ 假日貌似也還是這樣(至少我假日去,到目前為止還沒有因為用餐時限而被趕走過) 不過確實得說,變有名之後人潮洶湧, 某些座位本身可能就是個喝咖啡的小桌, 間隔距離就會比較近,就會比較容易受到干擾, 人一多就會嘈雜,不太適合留太久。 但平日會有不少人真的是來看書、辦公、休閒的😎,氛圍差很多,有人一坐就是開店到閉店, 要享受那種帶有一點白噪音、些微人聲, 品品咖啡同時辦公、看書、靜態活動, 真的就是平日來! (我會不會說太多秘密了🤣) 雖然一開始也是親友帶我來的, 但這間也是我的口袋寶貝名單之一🥹 就分享給大家惹🫶 👇接下來就是精彩無修無濾鏡的真實餐點照了
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