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新北市Dessert shop
7 months ago
Afternoon Tea3 pplNT$35

Taro ball comprehensive ice contains red beans, mung beans, pinto beans, taro balls, sweet potato balls, mung bean balls
It doesn't taste too sweet, I think the sweetness is moderate

Taro balls, sweet potato balls, mung bean balls
The taste is very elastic

This is already my second visit!
It can be said that it is a must-eat when visiting Jiufen (˘ ³˘)♥︎

I also bought a box of taro balls + sweet potato balls and planned to cook them at home.
There are also cooking instructions very thoughtfully written on the packaging box.
If you like it, you can buy it and cook it yourself❤︎︎

What's more, the fly in the ointment is that
The weather in summer is really too hot 🥵
Although the store has air conditioning and fans
But if a friend who is very afraid of heat comes to visit,
Maybe it's still a little lacking

We ordered two portions of taro ball mixed ice
The scenery is pretty good
Taro balls + sweet potato balls
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Spot Info

Dessert shop NT$50-NT$60
4 reviews
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Afternoon Tea1 ppl55
29 days ago
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Afternoon Tea2 ppl55
5 months ago
九份老街必吃⭐️⭐️ 每每到阿柑姨芋圓冰都很多人,速度很快不太需要等待太多時間。 餐點自取後可以前往內用區,內用區分上下兩層,位置眾多且風景好。 依稀記得小時候是坐在國小的台階上吃的,現在有漂亮的內用區真好♡ 芋圓冰是由眾多不同的芋圓口味配上豆類,可以挑選單一或綜合豆類,夏天吃冰冬天吃熱甜湯~芋圓軟Q好好吃🤤 從小吃到大的限定美食 吃好吃的芋圓配上九份的美 來到九份就是要吃上這味! ⭐️今日餐點: 綜合芋圓冰 $55 內容物有,紅豆、綠豆、花豆 料多,不過度甜膩,不喜甜的都能吃的完,碎冰多夏天很清爽 綠豆芋圓冰 $55 同行友人不愛花豆,單一綠豆的也料多實在好吃🤤
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Afternoon Tea2 ppl65
6 months ago
九份非常有名的美食,只要去到九份幾乎都不會錯過,除非走得非常的累,因為它位於樓梯非常的上面,要爬比較多的階梯。 他的配料選擇有點單調,只有-綠豆/紅豆跟大紅豆。可以再加煉乳+10。不過價格即便到現在還是很親民,一碗只有$55。 這家店的最大特色應該就是擁有有非常好的景觀,不少遊客是慕名前來的。 餐點的部分吃起來我覺得芋圓有點過軟沒有Q彈嚼勁,不過綠豆跟紅豆吃起來就有脆度,搭配煉乳是很加分的,不過可惜的是他的冰塊是大顆的我喜歡吃稍微有點細碎的那一種,整體來說是還可以。 說真的一碗$65可以配上這麼好的美景其實也是很值得的,除了要走滿多的台階以外。 從取餐走到觀景區,可以路過看到店家們用手工在揉那些芋圓,他們是手工揉的,並非機器揉的,以現在來說這樣的店家是少數的。
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