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6 months ago
Lunch2 ppl$560

Come visit after seeing Fooday’s shop tour recommendation!

It happens that the store is located near the living area, but I have never noticed this store at ordinary times. There are not many people at noon on weekdays, and it adds a sense of serenity to the elegant dining in the alleys. The proprietress professionally serves the food and prepares the ingredients. She is very capable and skillful every step of the way, making you feel at home.

Although the copper plate barbecue is not gorgeous, it is very delicious. The seasoned pork slices and the caramel aroma produced by the copper plate heating flow into the soup on the outer ring, making the whole pot of food very delicious.

The signature dish is the spicy fried squid, which is quite generous. Every bite is filled with solid squid meat and a strong aroma. It is a very refreshing dish.

The seafood soup tastes very authentic, a bit salty, but it also tastes very good with rice. Overall it's a very different dining experience. I like the atmosphere of this store. It is relaxed and not cold. I will definitely visit again.

Copper plate barbecue
Spicy fried squid
The pork belly grilled by the proprietress herself is very crispy and juicy
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3 reviews
Korean restaurantNT$350~NT$490
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Lunch5 ppl$350
5 months ago
中午尋找新的餐廳時看到這家,其貌不揚。原本很想略過,不過我們還蠻愛韓式的,決定給他一次機會。結論:非常驚艷! 老闆是韓國人,一位很親切的老太太,中文講的很好。餐點非常的道地,小菜味道我超愛,調味超好吃!豬五花是現炒的,比預期中的味道更好一些!我點的是部隊鍋,味道也很好吃!不過我更愛豬五花就是了。 平日午餐有商業套餐,價格很實惠。下次要試試晚餐!
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Lunch5 ppl$350
6 months ago
台北中山区の路地裏にある本格的な韓国料理店!店主は韓国人で、とても親切でフレンドリーです。私は昼食時に訪れましたが、ランチセットメニューもあり、焼肉や炒め物など様々な選択肢があります。簡単に言えば、本当に美味しかったです!特におかずがとても本格的で、おかわりもできます!ランチセットのキムチ豆腐鍋はとても美味しく、味付けもちょうど良く、塩辛すぎませんでした。食べる量が多い人には、銅板焼き肉と石鍋ビビンバのセットがおすすめです(少食の女性2人でも十分かもしれません)。また、辛いイカ炒めもおすすめです。とても美味しく、ご飯によく合います! 昼間は待ち時間なしで、路地裏に隠れた美味しい食事処です。派手ではありませんが、とても美味しいです。
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