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十二廚 台北喜來登大飯店

Lunch4 ppl$1529
5 months ago

What I ate this time was the event of the "Penghu Food Festival"

Overall, there are many types of seafood, including all-you-can-eat Matsuba crab!
🦀️The Matsuba crab is quite fresh and you can extract the complete crab leg meat.
Those who like crabs will love it!
The only drawback for me is that the seasoning is relatively lacking. There is no special seasoning, only the saltiness of seafood. It would be better if the crab meat can be made more delicious.

🍣I personally like the sashimi area, there are many types of sashimi and nigiri sushi

🇮🇳There is also an Indian food area (forgot to take a photo)
The Indian chef always makes freshly made scones. There are many kinds of Indian curry. The spices are very special, but not offensive or unfamiliar. It is quite delicious. It should be regarded as a rare specialty cuisine area in Taipei buffets!

🍰The dessert section includes freshly made soufflé waffles, and the recent mango season desserts (personally recommend the mango custard tart, the crust is crispy and not overly sweet). The dessert items are all small, and it is not burdensome to eat!

🍦The ice cream includes: four types of Haagen-Dazs ice cream, four types of Thai Mingguo ice cream

🥤The beverage area includes Bar Beer, fresh Asahi draft beer, Twinings tea bags, coffee machines, juices, Penghu specialty drinks, sparkling water, and apple sparkling drinks

Overall, if you like seafood and Matsuba crab, you will probably like it.
You should be able to get your money back just by eating Matsuba crab and nigiri sushi.
But the taste of the hot food area is very different.
The desserts are all you can eat, they are quite delicious and there are many varieties.

Braised Pork Rice with Fresh Oysters, Penghu Rice Noodles In the pasta area
There are mangoes in the fruit section!
Mango Season Dessert
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Spot Info

十二廚 台北喜來登大飯店100台北市中正區忠孝東路一段12號1樓
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Afternoon Tea2 ppl$890
7 months ago
下午茶時段環境🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 鹹食🌕🌕🌕 甜點🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 服務🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕 坦白說我上一次吃喜來登的十二廚已經是八年前,那時候恰好導生聚老師請客,吃的是晚餐時段,即使是免費享用的情況下,我都沒覺得特別滿意,因此之後就都沒有再訪,這次是因為恰好有拿到下午茶餐券,才又過來用餐,也幸好有這個機會,才讓十二廚重新進入我的眼簾之中。 首先最讓人驚艷的是下午茶不到1000元的價格(原價平日890+10%,目前有線上旅展活動只要780),生魚片的選項中居然有提供鮭魚,還是品質不錯的鮭魚,那真的在下午茶的選擇中可以放棄不提供鮭魚的欣葉了😮 而除了生魚片外,還有水煮白蝦也很甜,冷盤還另有提供起司拼盤跟火腿切片以及沙拉、日式漬物和歐式麵包等,作為開胃的選擇不少,不過我除了生魚片吃了不少外,就只淺嚐了一點起司跟火腿,表現都不差,生魚片真心不輸欣葉,可惜醬油跟哇沙米的拿取較不方便,不過依舊是瑕不掩瑜~ 鹹食部分有中式、港式、歐式、印度風四大區,港點跟港式料理部分像是珍珠丸燒賣或炒麵等比較佔胃,也沒特別好吃,就不特別推薦,中式有烤鴨夾餅可以考慮,歐式部分,鹽烤牛腹肉蠻特別的,鹹鹹香香,有點類似水煮五花肉的樣子,吃起來卻肉味濃郁許多,至於其他像是燉煮淡菜跟德國豬腳也都還算不錯,松露薯條雖然是澱粉佔胃,但我也忍不住拿了一些,印度區則以咖哩為主,有三種,很香,可以搭配薑黃飯、烤餅或是麵包享用,我覺得咖哩是有下功夫煮出來的,喜歡咖哩的人小吃一點不會後悔。 鹹食大概就寫這樣了,種類很多,事實上還有很多我沒寫出來的菜色,口味也不差,但真要說特別出色的似乎沒有,不過呢!!甜點就不一樣了!!!我自己大學時是台大蛋糕研究社的教學幹部,也拜訪過不少甜點店,因此一般來說對甜點標準反而比尋常鹹食高,而喜來登十二廚當天端出來的點心們,我覺得水準相當高,拿同類型店家(buffet)的甜點區來做比較的話,甚至超越了價位較高的旭集和饗饗,實在是不可思議,其中乳酪蛋糕,酸的風味很夠,應該是有加新鮮檸檬汁,在乳酪厚重的味道中帶來一點清爽,無論賣相還是味道都是上上選,提拉米蘇也是真材實料,用上了高比例脂肪含量較高,價格也比較貴的Mascarpone起司,加上咖啡酒提味,哇,真的好吃,平常去咖啡店點一份可能就要兩百元,來這裏不知道吃什麼的話不妨多吃這些吧哈哈,雖然熱量爆炸,但這裡是吃到飽啊,踏進來的時候先把卡路里這個單字從記憶中抹去吧!其他點心表現也都不錯,雪花糕我第一次吃,也很驚艷,有點類似裹著椰子屑的奶酪,感覺是東南亞地區的甜點;草莓奶油泡芙,我是覺得草莓醬有點多,但被草莓醬在嘴裡爆漿,也很難說出什麼批評;芝麻戚風蛋糕佐抹茶鮮奶油,雖然拍照很美,但這個就比較可惜,鮮奶油太少,導致整體吃起來偏乾,味道是不差,就是食材平衡上比例可以再調整。 吃飽後悠閒地偷看了一下google評論,似乎甜點的內容是有在更換的,有些其他評論上的看起來就沒那麼細緻,不知道是不是運氣好這期特別好吃?等有機會二訪再比較看看😂 喜來登十二廚,雖然我對他高價位的午餐晚餐還是沒信心,但下午茶餐期,表現不錯,誠心推薦給各位。
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