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豆豆里 DODOLI 永康旗艦店

Lunch2 ppl$480
about 2 months ago

📍 Da’an District, Taipei City (near Dongmen MRT Station)
A Korean restaurant with exquisite interior decor 🇰🇷🦄🦋

After watching "Chef in Black and White," I really craved Korean food! I found this tofu stew I had a long time ago to satisfy my craving. ☺️

I booked a table in advance via Inline. The seating area they arranged was quite spacious and the environment very bright.

Once seated, they served three side dishes: Korean kimchi, golden seaweed strips, and yuzu-scented radish.
All were delicious and flavorful! My favorite was the kimchi, and you can get endless refills for free.

Orders are placed using a QR Code.

Dishes ordered
🐂 Beef Tofu Stew ($330):
It was still boiling when served! The red broth makes it particularly appetizing.

The tofu stew here is special as it includes soy milk, making the broth richer and adding a hint of soybean aroma.

There aren’t many ingredients in the tofu stew, mainly a lot of tofu along with the meat and egg.

🐖 Spicy Stir-fried Pork ($260):
The meat is from a chewier part with some tendons that take longer to chew (I love it 😜).

The spicy sauce has a sweet base taste, and there seems to be some sesame oil in the seasoning, which is very fragrant!

Paired with the seaweed on top and the fried crispy onions, the flavors are very much to my liking! Highly recommended dish 😚

Would I revisit: Yes!
Love the tofu stew broth. A pretty reliable place for Korean food with good flavors!

🔸 Line Pay is accepted.

The meat is generally bite-sized. Served with a lot of tofu!
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Spot Info

豆豆里 DODOLI 永康旗艦店106台北市大安區永康街2巷7號
2 reviews
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Dinner2 ppl$855
8 days ago
前幾天發現線上訂位還有位置,google評論看起來也很不錯就立刻訂位了!(可以使用inline訂位)這天因為上課延遲下課的關係,本來預約五點半結果打電話改了兩次預約時間才沒遲到QQ 一走到巷口就看到店招牌了,店外看起來裝潢很舒服,燈光的選擇給人很溫暖的感覺 兩個人的預約安排了四人的位置,坐起來真的很舒服!(一看到安排四人座位立刻加分!) 入座後送上三盤韓式小菜,都是可以免費續的唷(最愛吃韓式小菜拉) 我最喜歡的是柚香蘿蔔,清爽順口又不會太酸! 店內點餐是直接使用QR code點餐,我們兩個什麼都想吃 看來看去最後點了雙人套餐(一直很擔心分量會不會太多吃不完,後來發現我們真的是白擔心了) 雙人套餐價格是1520 套餐內容一:豆腐鍋 豆腐鍋選項有超多種!害我們都不知道該點哪種來吃比較好 他有一般的豆腐鍋(就是可以搭蔬食、牛豬肉或是海鮮的),也有泡菜起司系列,也有肉搭配海鮮的豆腐鍋, 還有南瓜豆腐鍋、咖哩豆腐鍋、以及番茄系列豆腐鍋 套餐內容二:半份小牛排 套餐內容三:石鍋拌飯(蔬食、牛肉、豬肉可選) 套餐內容四:迷你牡蠣韭菜煎餅或迷你泡菜煎餅 套餐內容五:蒸蛋湯(一般蒸蛋湯、起司蒸蛋湯、蝦卵蒸蛋湯、韓式蟹肉蒸蛋湯) 套餐內容六:飲品兩杯(可樂、雪碧、紅茶、綠茶、洋甘菊茶、薄荷茶、水梨汁、水蜜桃汁、葡萄汁
梅子汁、梨子蘇打 、西瓜蘇打、李子蘇打 、哈密瓜蘇打 、美式咖啡 、拿鐵 
 豆腐鍋的部分不會太鹹,內容物很多!(滿滿的豆腐~肉給的分量也算多!) 濃純的湯頭讓我偷喝了好幾口! 牛小排的部分(真的就是半份),肉軟硬適中,吃起來很香(但半份真的覺得有點少......) 迷你泡菜煎餅真的非常的迷你,不過煎餅皮弄得非常香軟可口(是比較厚的那種煎餅), 後來一邊聊天忘記先把他吃完,冷掉之後吃也還是很美味 吃韓式料理最喜歡的就是蒸蛋湯拉~每次去韓國或是吃韓式料理必點阿! 這次點的是有蝦卵的,整個口感豐富度大幅提昇,蒸蛋本人還是非常的Q彈順口阿(請特別小心!他非常燙) 飲品不知道是不是現在都流行這樣:直接給你易開罐飲料然後跟杯子,可以自己倒這樣 整體來說餐點都還不錯,但我覺得這個雙人套餐CP值沒有太高...... 一個人分下來要八百塊的餐費,但分量偏少(如果有比較會吃的 可能會吃不飽) 可能之後可以採單點餐點方式,能夠吃到正常分量的餐點,價格最後可能不會差太多?
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