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Herban Kitchen & Bar 二本餐廳

Dinner4 ppl$500
3 months ago

This is probably the best vegetarian restaurant I’ve had in years!

Erben Restaurant is derived from the English Herban Kitchen. The main theme of the entire restaurant is a very comfortable Mediterranean vegetarian cuisine restaurant. The interior layout is very comfortable and gives people a friendly feeling, attracting many foreigners to come to dine.

It was Sunday night when we dined. Although it was raining heavily outside, the seats were still full, and about 40% of the guests were from Japan, Europe and the United States.

After having our meal in person, we felt that this was a store we could definitely visit again. It can be said that when you think of "vegetarian food", "good wine", and "Mediterranean diet", you can almost name this restaurant directly!

The following are the meals ordered that day:

🌱 Cheese Macaroni $295
🌱 Wizard of Oz Stewed Rice $340
🌱 Black Sea Bamboo Charcoal Sauce Pasta $320
🍔 Erben Burger $370
🍟 Fried V-shaped fries $240
🍹 Micro Sparkling Kombucha $180
🫖Kiwi Strawberry Natural Dried Fruit Tea $190

Basically, every dish in their store is super amazing. You will never think that these dishes are vegetarian dishes. Of course, some dishes are added with garlic to enhance the flavor, but it will be noted on the menu, so people with dietary needs can You can choose the dishes you can eat~

Personal rating:
Service 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌗
Meals 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌕
Environment 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌖

Revisit rate: 100%

🌱 Cheesy Macaroni $295 The macaroni is a little spicy 🌶️ but this is the best main meal I have ever eaten this time! The whole bowl does not use egg milk at all, but uses homemade cashew cheese sauce to create a creamy cheese texture. It tastes crispy and soft, and it is not sticky at all. It has a completely new texture and is very, very delicious. I finished it in one bite after another and wanted to order another bowl🤩 I recommend everyone to try this dish.
🌱 The Wizard of Oz $340 It is also a very delicious braised rice, with a strong salted egg flavor. It is stewed with asparagus, zucchini, spinach, onions and garlic, and finally sprinkled with feta cheese, which makes it taste full of texture.
🌱 Black Sea Bamboo Charcoal Sauce $320 This bowl of spaghetti is also highly recommended. It uses bamboo charcoal sauce instead of cuttlefish sauce and is garnished with various mushrooms. The glutinous rice pepper on top is also the finishing touch. The whole bowl of noodles does not taste like eating vegetarian food at all, but full of flavor. Full of surprises 👍
🍔 Erben Burger $370 One of the specialty dishes of this restaurant, the burger buns are toasted to a very crispy texture, and the hamburger steak is delicious and salty. The highlight is that the V-shaped potatoes on the side are super poppy and delicious!
front view of burger
🍟 Fried V-shaped fries $240 Their V-shaped potatoes are super delicious! And unlike ordinary French fries that are deep-fried in butter, the oil used in this V-shaped French fries is not greasy at all, allowing you to enjoy the full original flavor of potatoes, but they are also fried very crispy. In addition to the fries that come with the burger, they also have V-shaped fries that can be ordered a la carte. Those who love French fries can definitely order them to share!
🍹 Micro Sparkling Kombucha $180 Slightly sweet sparkling drink, not too bubbly, very smooth to drink, suitable for drinking as a meal accompaniment
🫖Kiwi Strawberry Natural Dried Fruit Tea $190 The hot tea is more acidic. Because it rained heavily that day, everyone got wet, so I wanted to order a pot of hot tea to warm up. I personally think it’s pretty good! It smells a bit like hibiscus tea, but not so old-fashioned (?
The interior decoration in the store is very atmospheric. I really like the light bulbs and aquatic plant pendants on their bar. They look beautiful when lit.
dining space
This is an outdoor door seat. It rained heavily that night.
A corner of the door
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Spot Info

Herban Kitchen & Bar 二本餐廳
1 review
Vegetarian restaurant NT$500~NT$500
Featured Image 1