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LV 12Culinary Novice


9 months ago
Dinner2 ppl$450

This is a shop that I loved when I was a student.
We chose to go there on Friday evening today. We had a seat right away as it opened shortly after the restaurant opened, but it was already full by the time we finished our meal.

There are seats in the store on about two floors, with seats for two people and seats for families, so there are not many seats. From past experience, even if you wait, the wait won't be too long, but it is still recommended to make a reservation first.

Manual ordering. This time I ordered large mixed sushi, seared conger eel, seared halibut, seared salmon belly, cream salmon roll and miso soup. The comprehensive sushi includes Inari, raw fish nigiri, and warship types. The content is high quality and fresh, and the sophistication is obviously different from the Taiwanese sushi you eat at home.

Tsukiji’s yakiniku has always been our favorite category. The ingredients are fresh and paired with a slight roasting flavor, it is delicious and no additional seasoning or dipping sauce is needed. The creamy salmon roll is also a common item, with vegetables in the center and grilled salmon wrapped around it. The two are perfectly combined.

After finishing the meal, have a few sips of hot wheat tea, which is a very comfortable weekend.

Daily specials written on a small blackboard
Large comprehensive sushi
conger eel
Creamy salmon roll
Grilled halibut, grilled salmon belly
Daily - sesame tofu
Miso soup full of ingredients
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