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LV 30Bronze Foodie


6 months ago
Dinner5 ppl$230

Visited many times.
Appetizer of edamame and barley tea: delicious and delicious ~ edamame is very tasty.
Casserole Chicken Soup: We ordered a small portion, although we were a little shocked when it was first served😅The contents were chicken legs and chicken soup. I thought it came with some vegetables and frozen tofu, so I needed to add some extra.
The seasoning is not salty, but the chicken soup has a strong aroma, and the gelatin brings just the right stickiness. It’s great ~ and the portion size is very friendly to the small group of us.
Jinsha soft silk: The aroma of salted egg yolk can be smelled as soon as the dish is served. It is fried so crispy that it doesn’t scratch your mouth. It is paired with the soft silk Q. It’s delicious~
Stir-fried cabbage: Although it is a simple stir-fried cabbage, it is moderately seasoned, goes very smoothly with rice, and has a crisp texture

Tremella sweet soup: light sweetness, not too sweet.
Very recommended!

Pork fried rice
Fried cabbage
Chicken soup with frozen tofu
Golden sand soft silk
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2 reviews
Taiwanese restaurantNT$230~NT$550
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Lunch2 ppl$550
3 months ago
陶金砂鍋雞湯位於花蓮的國興五街,但其實導航找商校街也可以,視線上沒什麼遮蔽。隔壁是知名的老鄉牛肉麵。 今天享用的是老火砂鍋花膠雞湯、紅燒筋腩、蛋酥絲瓜,合計約1100元。 老火砂鍋花膠雞湯: 店家的雞湯標榜使用老母雞、土雞、北海道干貝、金華火腿精燉十二小時。 而看到送上來已成乳白狀的濃郁雞湯,可知店家說得確實不假。 雞湯濃郁至極,一湯匙中就彷彿喝到一隻雞的衝擊感非常強烈。 雖然我沒喝過驥園的雞湯,但比較起來,陶金光價位就已經讓人想給到第六顆星了。 湯內的雞腿當然是已熬煮到輕易的骨肉分離,花膠不只大塊份量也相當的多,享用起來真的非常滿足。 紅燒筋腩: 豪邁的將大量的牛筋腩鋪設在食具中,不只視覺上衝擊,享用起來也相當美味。 如同雞湯帶來的美味一樣,極致軟嫩的筋腩帶給口腔的黏稠濃郁的口感,再配合著紅燒風味的香辛,可以說是一道完美的小曲。 蛋酥絲瓜: 絲瓜份量給的也同樣豪邁,精緻的蛋酥平均的鋪灑在絲瓜上,讓濃郁的絲瓜湯底多了一些小刺激。 就像是口腔與絲瓜在實打實的正規軍會戰中,跑出了一支游擊隊一樣。 也相當值得一嘗。 上菜前的招待小菜是黑胡椒毛豆、餐後甜湯是桂圓銀耳,精緻美味。 整體而言,不只去花蓮會想再訪,也讓人想訂購雞湯在家中自行享受。 店家服務態度相當舒適,我們到訪的時間其實已經做好了吃閉門羹的心理準備 (約在中午休息前半小時),但依然享受了非常愉悅的服務。 強烈推薦給大家!
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