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LV 35Foodie Commander


3 months ago
Dinner1 ppl$80

It was very hot at night and I happened to come here to have ice cream. It turned out that the air-conditioning in the store was under maintenance. Fortunately, I had ice cream otherwise it would be very hot. There are not many seats in the store. It is clean and bright. The outside is cooler than the inside. The ordering line will be squeezed by the bar seats. It's best to come out when no one is ordering.

About the meal
Shaved ice + 4 toppings, NT$80. I ordered taro balls, taro, and mung beans. There were 2 large taro balls. The taro balls were full and soft, the mung beans were okay, and the brown sugar tasted good.

Door appearance reference
Menu reference, in addition to shaved ice, you can also order beancurd or drinks.
You can choose from 4 ingredients for shaved ice, priced at NT$80. I ordered taro balls, taro, and mung beans. There were 2 large taro balls, and the taro balls were full and soft. The mung beans were okay, and the brown sugar tasted great.
This store has been here for 25 years and has had its sign changed and renovated.
The corner of the store's seats are all wooden pattern seats.
You can read the meal precautions
No outside food allowed, a big sheet
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Spot Info

4 reviews
Ice cream shopNT$40~NT$60
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Midnight Snack2 ppl$30
2 months ago
冰霖古早味豆花吃完晚餐後來一碗簡直太滿足😌 菜單上有傳統豆花、豆漿豆花、黑糖剉冰、關西仙草凍、雪花冰跟手作茶飲 非常多樣😀 除了本店以外,隔壁還有座位區 這次兩人吃一碗豆漿豆花(紅豆🫘+芋圓) 價格為 $55 我覺得他豆花本身很綿密、黃豆味也很香 紅豆熟度也剛好,不會太粉、外皮也還有保留一點點微微脆 另外紅豆本身就有甜的囉! 這次第一次來吃他的芋圓 很好吃耶🤤 芋圓糖度本身偏高、很Q彈、芋頭味很香、還吃得到一點芋頭塊 豆漿部份可以選有糖或無糖 有糖的話甜度大概微甜~ 後續因為吃到料剩太多 還問店家可不可以加豆漿😂(結果可以!好佛 用餐完畢餐盤自己回收 享用完也有廁所、洗手台可以洗手 但是兩個人吃一碗有點不滿足啦哈哈~ 下次也會想吃看看挫冰! 價格大概$85上下 看起來也很大碗好吃😋
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Dinner2 ppl$50
3 months ago
天氣很熱,所以來吃剉冰,但是店內不確定有沒有開冷氣覺得好熱~ 今天位子算是還蠻多的,不過在熱門的用餐時間,有時候會需要等一下下。 店家是直接櫃檯點餐付款,然後自己找位子坐。等號碼牌叫到號碼再去櫃檯取餐。 點的是黑糖剉冰,可以任選四種料$80元,但是如果選到芋頭的話要再多$5。選煉乳也算一種。 豆花也是任選兩樣$55元,如果選的是芋頭的話也是要再多$5元。 黑糖配煉乳本身就是都很好的滋味,芋頭很大塊,紮實好吃。芋圓跟綠豆就是一般豆花剉冰店會有的水準。 用餐時間人還蠻多的,要排隊點一下餐,室外剛好有一個洗手臺可以洗個手。 整體的用餐體驗還算不錯,有時候路過或是天氣熱或者想吃個甜品,就會想進來吃一下。
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Afternoon Tea2 ppl$55
6 months ago
寧夏夜市非常有名的豆花店。已經有好幾十年的歷史,店員大多都會多國語言交談(日英語都沒問題),而且支付方式也非常多元,是個走的非常前面的傳統豆花店。 因為客人很多,因此無論是內用還是外帶,都要拍同一條線,先點餐再入座。排隊的地方就有菜單可以先看要吃什麼,而且大部分的豆花跟刨冰的配料組合都已經分類編號,因此點餐可以更快速。 這次點的是招牌的「豆花壹號」,就是非常常見的豆花+粉圓+花生。 不得不說這幾個簡單的組合,吃起來卻永遠不嫌膩,豆花本身非常滑順,但又可以嚐到黃豆原本的紮實感,是個可以品嘗到原材料的古早味豆花!粉圓Q彈而不與其他食物太過分離,又不會黏牙。花生與預期相同,整體來說是個非常符合預期的豆花,而且一碗價錢還不會太貴,因此很推薦來這家嚐嚐它們的招牌豆花喔!
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