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8 months ago
Dinner3 ppl$600

It is a famous restaurant on Google, specializing in sashimi rice bowl. This time for three people to dine, it was packed on a Friday night. We were told at eight o'clock that we might have to wait for an hour, and when we were looking for registration, we were informed that we could be seated. It took about 15 minutes to wait, which was not bad.

I ordered the Grilled Rose Donburi ($580). The salmon itself was grilled perfectly and the portion was generous. It was super satisfying! The vinegar rice is also cooked very well, it is not unpalatable vinegar rice🙏The price is very affordable, I will definitely eat it again if I have the opportunity!

BTW, my colleagues said that they always smelled like a toilet smell, which was a bad dining experience, but I somehow didn’t smell it.

Burnt Rose Donburi $580, full of salmon and salmon roe, satisfying!
Scallop and Sweet Shrimp Volcano Donburi
Jewelry box $690
Must be paired with beer
In front of the store, the restaurant is in B1
The dining environment in the restaurant is quite delicious.
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3 reviews
Japanese restaurantNT$440~NT$550
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Lunch1 ppl$429
3 months ago
算挺有名的一家生魚丼飯店,位於松江南京5號出口附近,店在B1。假日用餐時段建議還是先訂位,不過前陣子在三創開了一家分店叫今日魚市之後,有緩解用餐人潮了,兩家的菜單也有些許不同,用餐每100元可以集一點,用來兌換各式餐點,兩家點數共用。 店家在宜蘭有配合的漁船,因此在海鮮豐收的時候常常有非常誘人的優惠價格,例如牛角蟹盛產時50隻售價1800,我就是從這時期開始注意到這家店的。又例如近期新聞報導黑鮪魚一片10元就是今日魚市的菜單了。 🍽️環境 來說說用餐環境,一般我都是買回家吃居多,因為可以安心的搭配酒一起吃。 內用過一次的心得是環境還算ok,不過由於在B1,所以空氣與光線稍差,座位空間還蠻大,並附有洗手間。 內用提供味增湯與麥茶無限暢飲,而應該是從這個月開始加收內用10%清潔費,並且用餐時間70分鐘。 🍣餐點 店內有生食與熟食丼飯,並有浮誇系列的丼飯可以選擇。 這次點的是海景丼$330與群組優惠的蒜烤半隻波龍$99。 海景丼基本就是綜合海鮮丼,基本會有的是蝦子鮭魚跟干貝,其他則是當日魚種,另外附上一顆溫泉蛋。海鮮非常新鮮,生魚片吃起來軟嫩好入口,基本上沒有感覺到有筋,處理的不錯,醋飯表現不錯。 而這兩天群組優惠則是半隻蒜烤波士頓龍蝦🦞,螯已經幫忙開好,可以很輕鬆的就把🦞肉吃乾淨,口味適中,蒜味不會過重壓過食材味道。 整體來說值得推薦來吃,並建議加入店家line群,幾乎每天有不同的群組優惠或贈品,也不定時PO出現撈海鮮可以買回去料理,價格個人認為十分合理。
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Dinner5 ppl$442
11 months ago
可以吃很飽的店表定是九點休息 但能繼續待 CP 值滿高的,點個丼飯就會飽 價位的範圍也很廣 有很貴的海鮮 也有便宜的吃法 可以滿足各種價位需求的人 週五晚上接近九點不太需要等 店家還是會收客
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