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一蘭 台灣台北本店

9 months ago
Lunch3 ppl$358

I believe Yilan is so famous that it shouldn’t need any introduction. There are two branches in Taipei, and they are very close to each other (less than 5 minutes’ walk). What we ate today was the Taipei branch located on Songren Road.

Ichiran only sells one kind of ramen, "Natural Tonkotsu Ramen", and focuses on making this ramen the best. The clerk will give each customer an ordering paper, and they can customize the consistency, softness and hardness of the noodle they want. , spiciness, whether minced garlic and green onions are needed, etc.

Natural tonkotsu ramen $298
I chose "1/2 times" for spiciness, but I almost couldn't taste the spiciness. If you want to taste a little spicier, I suggest you choose basic or 2 times.
I chose "Basic" for the hardness of the noodles, but I personally think it's a bit soft. I'd like to choose "Hard" in the future.
Choose "Basic" for the taste. The soup is rich and delicious, but it feels a little salty at the end.
The portion of this bowl of ramen is quite exquisite. It only has noodles and two slices of barbecued pork. The amount of noodles is not much, so it will be a bit empty if you only eat it like this. However, the barbecued pork is super soft and tender. Although it tastes salty, it is delicious. I really want to try it again. Eat a few more slices (but adding three slices of barbecued pork costs $65. I thought it was too expensive so I gave it up, hahaha)

Additional noodles $60
After eating half of the noodles, you can fill out the additional order form and ring the service bell to notify the waiter. You can also choose the hardness of the noodles for additional noodles. The amount of noodles given is quite a lot, but the extra noodles cost $60 which is really not cheap. It is equal to eating. This bowl of ramen cost $358….

Overall, Ichiran is a ramen shop that you can’t go wrong with. You can definitely get a bowl of delicious tonkotsu ramen. The disadvantage is that you usually have to queue up (I came today at noon on a Monday, and I queued for half an hour; if it is a holiday) , may not be able to get away in two hours), and the price is mid-range, but it is still a ramen shop that you will want to eat after a while

store appearance Arrive at 12:30 noon on Monday, wait for about half an hour
Ichiran only sells one type of ramen
that's it! Natural tonkotsu ramen!
The noodle body is made of fine noodles, and the softness and hardness can be selected.
The barbecued pork is very tender and delicious~
The clerk will take you to the seating area
Introduction to ordering methods
Fill out the customized order form
Give it to the clerk from the window
If you want to order more, there is additional ordering paper here.
Additional noodles $60
The checkout area also sells a bunch of souvenirs that you can take home and cook yourself.
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Spot Info

一蘭 台灣台北本店110台北市信義區松仁路97號1樓
5 reviews
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Lunch5 ppl$380
2 months ago
日本人ですが、日本で一蘭に行ったことがなかったので、今回初めて台湾の一蘭に来ました😂 日本でもすごく人気ですが、やはり台湾でもたくさんの人が並んでいました。平日のお昼時に行きましたが、12時を過ぎると人がどんどん入ってきて、私たちが出る頃には5分ほどが並んでいました。 【店の雰囲気】 一つ一つ個別の席があるので、店内に入るときはとてもスムーズに案内されました。 自分のペースで注文できて、食べ始めれるのがとてもよかったです。 【味の感想】 いつもたくさんの人観光客が並んでいるので、とてもおいしいんだろうなと期待していましたが、意外と味は普通でした。友人、医学一覧のラーメンが基準で、その他の豚骨ラーメンが美味しいかどうかを決めているらしいです😂確かにそんな基準になるような標準な豚骨だと思いました。 シンプルなスープと麺とチャーシューだけでも300元以上するのが少し驚きました。半熟卵を1つ追加しましたが350元しました。以前食べた豚骨ラーメンは具材もたくさんあって、200元台だったのでそっちの方が充分いいなと思いました笑 週末は24時間やっていると言う事なので、飲んだ後に締めのラーメンとして食べるには最高だなと思います。
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Dinner1 ppl$310
4 months ago
一蘭有二大缺點,一是要等非常非常久,即便是非假日,過了用餐尖峰時間,也起碼要排一小時以上,小一點耐心或太餓都不要來。 二是價格偏貴,最近又加價了。 除了缺點外,作為連鎖拉麵店,我覺得一蘭還蠻強的,基本上在日本,或其他地方食,味道應該是分不出來,都一樣。 另外一點,我還蠻喜歡一蘭特調的辣粉,總覺得很對味。 整體來說,麵還是蠻好食,但真的要等超久。
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Lunch2 ppl$370
4 months ago
初訪台北一蘭!店面就一層樓,覺得整個動線比台中分店好很多,不會有排隊排很久的感受,店員也很親切👍🏻 排隊時店員會發下菜單,是一人一張,自己的拉麵可以選擇,像是湯頭濃度、麵條硬度等大概有五六個項目都可以自由調整,寫完交給店員就可以了 隨後入座是一人一格,有自己的小空間實在太適合I人了🙋🏼‍♀️位置雖小卻什麼都有,掛包包的、飲用水、服務鈴,不愧是貼心的日本企業 特別喜歡一蘭的動線,用餐完會先經過周邊區域再到買單區,買完單旁邊就是出口,不會有人來來往往的亂感💯 - 一碗310元/白飯60元 ·朋友教我的吃法,她說日本人都這麼吃,麵吃完剩下的湯可以倒一碗進去,這樣不僅吃得飽也不浪費湯頭~ 之前吃一蘭的時候有發現它們的麵量真的蠻少,女生的食量可能也吃的不是很飽,所以比起加麵,我覺得加白飯更剛好🍚 這次選的濃度是最濃的,辣度7,麵硬 對平時吃中大辣的我來說大概是小辣的程度,濃度倒是很有感覺,湯頭真的蠻鹹的,如果不配白飯的話我可能沒辦法但喝湯🤣,然後拉麵選硬的剛剛好,較有口感
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