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LV 14Culinary Novice

沐嵐 · Moonlight

7 months ago
Dinner2 ppl$365

I will definitely come again
At first I thought it was difficult to park the car.
What’s good to eat after waiting in line for an hour and a half?
Isn’t it curry beef rice?
When it came to the table, half a bowl came and it felt like beef and ginger clear soup.
Not bad, I still think of such a stingy store
As a result, I found out that I could add soup, rice, and sauce.
Today I ordered Shufei beef curry rice
A local aunt in Hsinchu orders Shu Fei Beef and Tang Yang Chicken
It was obvious that he had such a big appetite, so the two of us walked out holding our bellies.
The beef is covered with garlic, vegetables and fruits
The feeling of not being able to finish the meat. .
Delicious meat
I won’t say anymore. I want to eat here next time and then I’ll write about it.

Disadvantages: Not easy to park nearby

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Spot Info

沐嵐 · Moonlight
2 reviews
Japanese curry restaurantNT$340~NT$370
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Lunch2 ppl$340
5 months ago
今天來到撲空好幾次都沒吃到的沐嵐🥹每次都因為外面人排隊排太多都沒吃到🥲,快趁平日快閃新竹來吃一下。 “沐嵐 Moonlight “位在新竹火車站及大遠百附近,是走路就可以到的距離。 店面不大,內用座位只有10個左右。有時候外面排的人都比店裡用餐的人多了。 因為座位有限,所以在店內的用餐時間以40分鐘為限。 今天等了40分鐘左右,幸好在打烊前有吃到。 我們點了菜單上沒有的品項,偷偷說,沐嵐會在Ig的限時動態公佈每日限定的菜單喔🤫。 ✨黑松露烤雞松阪咖喱💰340$ ✨限量🇯🇵宮崎A5和牛7oz咖喱💰450$ 每個餐點都會附上一碗蒜頭清雞湯,蠻好喝的喔,裡面看得到蒜頭本人。 每盤咖喱的標配有一些炸菜、類似炸餛飩皮的東西、地瓜、馬鈴薯塊、生菜水果、白飯及咖喱。 黑松露烤雞松阪的雞松阪非常的軟嫩、多汁、油脂也很豐富,黑松露醬給的很多耶,加上洋蔥、蒜頭搭配在一起很美味,而且肉量是真的非常多⋯愛吃肉的或有在健身的人可以來,絕對可以補充蛋白質。 限量🇯🇵宮崎A5和牛也是必點⋯7oz的和牛咖喱飯竟然500$不到,而且肉量給超多,搭配店家附的醬整個就超‼️好‼️吃‼️和牛的油脂,有夠鮮美,融化在嘴裡真的很鮮美,還可以搭配不同的配料吃,風味會更不一樣! 不用擔心那麼多的肉飯會不夠配,這家店可以免費加飯加醬一次,真的有夠佛心,老闆到底有沒有賺錢啦😭,這種好店必須支持❣️❣️
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