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LV 23|Fooday Adventurer


台北市Coffee shop
6 months ago
Lunch3 pplNT$400

Conclusion: Undeniably a five-star rating for the working environment, but the meals are quite ordinary, small, and not tasty… 😂 However, I would definitely be willing to return, I would just eat beforehand!

Cafe Raco is a time-unlimited café, equipped with power outlets and wifi. The counter even has extension cords available to borrow! The best feature is that they allow online reservations through inline booking!

There are many sections inside the café, and you can make reservations down to the specific table. Once you book that table, it’s reserved for you all day as long as you don’t leave! I recommend area DE for work or studying!

Lastly, a brief mention about the food: I really don’t recommend the savory pie, it has a completely floury crust texture, definitely don’t order unless you’re extremely hungry… The American-style food is also quite ordinary. On the other hand, I loved the hot milk tea, which comes with hot milk for you to mix on your own!

The restroom is pretty clean~

The entrance is quite beautiful.
The text "鹹派" translates to "savory pie" in English.
Hot milk tea! It's a bit chilly after sitting for a while.
This is what Area A looks like.
The store is really big.
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Spot Info

CAFE RACO10491台北市中山區民生東路二段147巷1號1樓
Coffee shopNT$360~NT$460
3 reviews
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Lunch3 ppl500
6 months ago
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Brunch2 ppl330
8 months ago
✨ 無服務費✨ 寵物繫牽繩可落地 ✨ 平日假日都不限時 ✨ 有插座 & 可借延長線 這間咖啡廳根本是學校圖書館等級了 .ᐟ.ᐟ.ᐟ 有超強冷氣和插座,還有WiFi 跟兩間廁所 重點廁所出乎意料地好乾淨,還有點文青風 甚至有提供延長線,也可以租借會議室跟投影機 進來後不管有沒有訂位先來櫃台跟店員報到 順便拿取餐機器,上面有QRcode可以到位置點餐 點餐完後先付款,餐點完成後機器會震動 再自行去櫃台取餐,用完餐要自助回收呦~ 空間超大有A~G區,訂位還可以自由選位 (inline訂位上有提供每區的座位編號) 每區的風格都不太一樣,來了兩次的我覺得 D區是最適合和朋友一起辦公讀書的位置 四人桌桌子有夠大而且桌與桌距離隔很遠 難怪網路訂位D區都是最熱門的 .ᐟ F區旁邊是落地窗撇除沙發區也適合用筆電 不過座椅的關係久坐腰有一點酸~ 這區有時候滿熱鬧有時候也安靜到很像圖書館 如果要更安靜的話可能要選G區有隔間 餐點和飲品選項很多,不過以甜點為主 ๑ 玉米雞肉湯麵包盅 $190 麵包烤得酥酥的和濃湯一起吃很適合 口感有點像略乾的法國麵包帶點咬勁 濃湯很像傳統家庭牛排館加一堆胡椒粉的味道 喝起來很像鼻涕的稠感~感覺是調理包 玉米跟雞肉滿多的,就是中規中矩的餐點 ๑ 伯爵紅茶 $140 ๑ 荔枝烏龍茶 $150 伯爵茶就是TWININGS大家熟悉的味道~ - 荔枝烏龍茶聞起來有荔枝QQ球甜甜的味道 喝起來其實是清香的烏龍茶帶一點點香氣 熱茶都可以回沖,很適合久坐的人🙌🏻
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